Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why I'm Doing the 3 Day Refresh

When Beachbody released the 3 Day Refresh in 2014, I will be totally honest and admit that I was skeptical.

I love Beachbody. I mean, I'm a coach and I will sing the praises of Beachbody programs and products forever and ever. Beachbody programs have made fitness a way of life for me in a way that I never imagined.

But...I'm not a big fan of cleanses. Or detoxes. Or whatever you want to call them. They just scream "quick fix" or "gimmick" to me. They aren't sustainable. I am a firm believer in eating right and moving your body is what gets results, not starving yourself or restricting. Heck, I like to CHEW food.

But I am still going to do the 3 Day Refresh. Starting January 7 (as long as it gets here by then!).


I am coming off a month of deeply stressful personal issues that have taught me two things:

1.) I stress eat.

2.) I stress eat A LOT.

And the result of that? Well, I couldn't tell you in numbers because I absolutely refuse to step foot on a scale right now, but I will say this: my jeans are tighter, my face is rounder, and I feel just....blah.

Blah is never good, friends. After all that work I was putting in with Focus: T25 and seeing results (!!!) I let it all go to crap. Bummer.

What is making me reconsider my stance on the 3 Day Refresh are the following points:

  • I can still EAT during the Refresh
  • I am going to need a little help re-establishing my old healthy eating habits after a solid month of eating everything and anything I wanted.
  • I'm going in knowing full well that the 3 Day Refresh is NOT sustainable, nor is it meant to be--but it will get me started on the right foot again..
  • I trust Beachbody and stand behind their products.
  • People have been asking me about it, and I am unable to give a fair assessment of the quality/value of the program.
So, what exactly is the 3 Day Refresh?

Simply put, it's a scientifically designed program that helps you fast-track weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean break from bad nutrition habits. 

I know, it sounds like a lot of shiny buzzwords--but I am going to give it a whirl and come out on the other side of 72 hours hopefully feeling rejuvenated, motivated, and feeling less blah.

January is going to be a big transition month for me. I am blessed and grateful for fresh starts and second chances going into 2016, and this is just going to be a part of that.

I'll be checking in each day of the 3 Day Refresh here, on Facebook and Instagram if you'd like to follow along!

Happy New Year!