We are moving right along! We are officially in the final stretch of our January Whole 30.
As per usual, stream of consciousness-style musings for your enjoyment:
Day 15 (Wednesday)
-Halfway there, baby!
-I am here to bring the guilt and admit that I committed a Whole 30 cardinal sin: I got on the scale yesterday. The lure of it, sitting there at the gym, was too strong to ignore. And guess what? I was NOT disappointed. The last time I weighed myself was last August and I've lost 15 pounds since. Certainly, I am not giving Whole 30 all the glory and credit for that, but I am appreciative of this step forward in the progress I am making in taking care of my health. I am feeling better, top to bottom, and to see a tangible reflection of it just confirms the fact and this is right and a good foundation to continue my progress.
-Today was the first day I threw together meals based simply on what was left in the fridge this morning and I am not excited about it. I hard boiled two eggs, but the rest was leftovers pieced into somewhat balanced meals and packed to go to work. I am missing enough fat today, though, and I worry the hunger at 3 PM might creep up on me. Looks like I'll be throwing down in the kitchen tonight to prepare for the rest of the week.
Day 16 (Thursday)
-I just planned my last full week of meals for the Whole 30 (days 21-27). Next meal plan/shopping trip I take will only consist of the last four days plus maybe also the entire bakery section of the grocery store. Just kidding. Maybe.
-In the meantime, I packed hard boiled eggs, radishes, and guacamole for breakfast this morning because I can't bring myself to cook anything else beyond dinner after work. Hoping on Sunday I can bang out some serious prep for next week.
-Oh, look. A lunch meeting at the office, and they ordered pizza. Fan-freaking-tastic.
-Only spent $150 at the grocery store today, but I am so preoccupied with food and the food that we CAN eat that I forgot things like paper towels and toilet paper. And cleaning stuff. Basically anything that is not food, so tack on another $25-$30 to make up for that.
-Not exactly Whole 30-related, but I am really bumming hard about how much less I am able to lift in the gym since my unintentional five-month hiatus. I've had Mike Matthews' book, Thinner Leaner Stronger, downloaded onto my Kindle for the last eight months or so, so I'm looking forward to digging into that and start consistently putting work in at the gym in February.
Day 17 (Friday)
-I have become acutely aware that I need another link removed from my watch. Non-scale victory success!
-I've been filling in my coworkers on my progress throughout the Whole 30, and one of them commented on my lunch today: "I see you've been sticking with this, but I'm wondering for how much longer because you SEEM to be enjoying it, but I can almost hear you screaming internally." Well then. Challenge accepted.
-Someone else at work asked how much weight I've lost since it's apparently noticeable. Another non-scale victory!
-I am taking the girls bowling tonight. Resisting temptation by packing a snack and eating it right before I leave work so I can withstand the pressure of gross bowling alley pizza until I get home to my safe space and beloved tupperware full of compliant foods.
Day 18 (Saturday)
-Today I have cooked three impressive meals. There are so many dishes its exhausting.
-I find it easier to make sure I am getting all my meals in on weekdays. There's just something about packing breakfast and lunch and timing my meals to break up the monotony of the work day that makes it so much easier. Weekends are much harder for me because they are anything BUT monotonous. I didn't eat anything until 2:30 PM today and by the end of preparing lunch I swear the kitchen was starting to tilt sideways. Lesson learned.
-Homemade mayo and ranch dressing happened again today. I have a new respect for mayonnaise--I'm usually totally grossed out by it, but I can use it in so many different ways! AND IT'S SO EASY TO MAKE YOU GUYS.
-I made couscous for the girls to go with dinner tonight and didn't even miss it that much.
Day 19 (Sunday)
-I am supposed to be in the thick of "Tiger Blood," but I spent the majority of my day on the couch, buried under blankets, reading. Maybe it was the rain earlier in the day, maybe it was the fact that it felt like it was -19 degrees outside, but I felt blah and unmotivated until about 4 PM when I finally peeled myself from the couch and decided to be a productive human being.
-I had so much energy last Friday. Is this the equivalent to peaking in high school? TOO SOON.
-Bleeding in the kitchen is happening a lot less frequently now compared to the first week, thanks to my improving knife skills. #ninja
-Feeling extra appreciative for this Whole 30 round because I am creating meals I never in a million years would have attempted before. Last night I made roasted lamb chops. Lamb, in my family, was a once-a-year thing that was reserved only for holidays or special occasions. Making it on a random Sunday felt special. I dig it. Also, Peyton said it was delicious. And then 10 minutes later she told me it was disgusting so I don't know what to believe.
Day 20 (Monday)
-One of my project managers and fellow beer snobs brought me the fruit of his Boston travels (a can of Green IPA from Tree House Brewing Company, HEART EYES) over the weekend with strict instructions that it is for AFTER Whole 30. It now is residing in my refrigerator, waiting for its big moment.
-Walt and I take turns sending each other photos of beautiful, compliant meals we make at home while the other person is sitting at work eating prepped food from sad (but still beloved) tupperware. We are both very pleased with ourselves. Also we are that annoying couple now, aren't we? Whatever. I'm not sorry.
-We have our first non-Whole 30 meal planned...which will actually be on Day 32. We are carrying out this little experiment an extra day so we can enjoy burgers and beers together next Friday when Walt gets done work.
Day 21 (Tuesday)
-Apples are delicious. Who knew?
-I can't believe our Whole 30 will be done by the end of next week. Time went so slowly at first and now I can only assume my body has depleted itself completely of sugar and time is moving as it is supposed to again.
-A giant zit appeared on my face. I made it three weeks with beautiful, glowy Whole 30 skin and I get strapped with a giant cyst on my face in the final lap. Lame.
-I went to the gym at 8:30 last night and again at 5:30 this morning. Tiger blood, is that you?
-The question that keeps getting floated is whether or not I am transitioning everyone to a healthy diet of Hungry Man TV dinners when this is all said and done with. The lack of clean-up and dish-washing seem very appealing.
Go back:
Day 1
Day 2
Days 3-7
Day 8-14
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
That Time I Went Whole 30: Days 8-14
Today means we are halfway there! Here's a random snippet of stream of consciousness thoughts I've been recording over the last week, for your enjoyment/sympathy:
Day 8 (Wednesday)
-Cravings are almost gone, although the leftover Christmas tin of caramel popcorn in the office kitchen makes me want to exfoliate with the leftover crumbs as I cram kernels down my throat. I should note here that I do not like caramel popcorn. It's just there, though. In my face. I want to throw it out for everyone's sake, but I know it will sit there until February. This is so weird.
-We don't own a scale. I have become pretty anti-scale, focusing more on how my clothes feel and how I feel in general. But...I kind of wish we had a scale. I know it's against the rules to weigh yourself during the 30 days, lay off me. I did take actual measurements to track beginning and end progress, but I can't keep my jeans up and my shirts are definitely feeling looser. I am infinitely curious, but I'll fight the urge to run to Target and buy a scale just so I can be potentially disappointed. I am trusting the process, Whole 30-rule vigilantes, don't worry.
-I showed Walt how badly my hands are drying out and cracking due to all the hot and heavy dish washing action. "You have old lady hands," he tells me. He must have forgotten these old lady hands spent three straight hours in the kitchen tonight. Silly.
Day 9 (Thursday)
-I find myself annoyed with how much money I am spending on groceries, even with pretty serious planning, list making, and a fire burning deep within me to minimize the amount of food we waste as a household. We dropped $100 at Whole Foods on Tuesday; I spent another $175 today at Shop Rite. Apparently we are still within the average range to feed a family of four during the week on a "liberal" plan...but still. My wallet doth protest too much.
-"I'd eat that," I say, about every gross food commercial I see on TV.
-Peyton has stopped threatening to move out due to the number of times we ate some variation of chicken for dinner this week. I did make pot roast for dinner tonight. This is progress.
-Walt reports that I am getting a reputation at his job based on the food he is bringing in each day because we are #fancyAF. He said one of his coworkers pictures me as the put-together soccer mom in heels. That could not be further from the truth, but I am flattered nonetheless. Let it be known that I will never drive a minivan, however.
Day 10 (Friday)
-I have a freakish amount of energy.
-Walt almost licked a spoon full of non-compliant mayo this morning as we were making lunches for the girls. Like, mindlessly cleaning off the spoon with his mouth. Except it was full of mayonnaise. "Oh God!" he says, "I was just about to wreck my Whole 30 and vomit all at the same time."
-"Wanna join the gym on Sunday?" was an actual question uttered in the house today. Is this what hope feels like?
Day 11 (Saturday)
-I am starting to get tired of thinking about food. Meal planning. Meal prepping. Cooking. Cleaning it up. What my next meal is going to be. We have never eaten so well, but I sense potential burnout on the horizon. Perhaps I'll throw a couple of simple weeknight dinners into the mix or start relying a little more heavily on my crockpot.
-According to the Whole 30 timeline, days 10 and 11 are the "hardest days." Except it doesn't feel that way. It feels like stone-cold, blunt acceptance and it doesn't feel terrible, either. What a whirlwind of emotions this week has been already.
-Spending meal times away from the comfort of my home or my office lunch bag is frustrating. We spent the day at Grounds for Sculpture today, and while their food is delicious and skews to the healthier side...there wasn't a lot we could eat that would have been compliant. Packed jerky and RX bars to the rescue.
Day 12 (Sunday)
-This is it. If I make it past today, this will be the farthest I've made it in previous attempts at dominating Whole 30.
-We joined the gym! Today I practiced some restraint at going all in since I haven't worked out consistently in months. Very disappointed at the downsize in weight I can throw around, but looking forward to building strength and momentum back up. There is also a scale at the gym, so I can NOT buy one to keep at home now.
-The Eagles lost to the Saints, which is sad. What was not sad were the spicy Thai wings, homemade cilantro ranch, stuffed mushrooms, plantain chips + guac, and kombucha mocktails we brought to enjoy at my aunt and uncle's while everyone else ate mac and cheese and other things I would have enjoyed eating, but didn't miss thanks to planning ahead. #win
-Walt is ending his Whole 30 experiment on the 26th, thanks to an event he had already purchased tickets for which involves eating wings and drinking beer. I am slightly jealous, but feeling motivated to finish this out.
Day 13 (Monday)
-I made it! This is uncharted territory for me.
-So sore today. So very, very sore.
-Food boredom is real. Packing food for work is starting to feel like a chore I'd rather not do. But my skin! The energy! Sleep quality!
-Time seems to be slowing down. Is it because we've entered the very worst part of winter, or is it because sugar actually makes time faster?
Day 14 (Tuesday)
-I was up and at the gym by 5:15 this morning. I don't even know who I am anymore.
-We're almost halfway there and I find myself thinking about what happens on Day 31. I think what I miss the most is the OPTION to make a bad decision. Like yeah, I know bagels are bad for me and are definitely best enjoyed in moderation...but I also know a toasted bagel with an egg and bacon and maybe some melty cheese crammed between those doughy slices is straight-up delicious. I know food freedom is intended to come AFTER the Whole 30, but I'm wondering if subjecting ourselves to this for 30 days is worth it. I am, admittedly, feeling a little salty.
-Walt has planned a bender after we finish that consists of getting bagels from our favorite new breakfast joint that gives me all the heart eyes, Dead End Bakehouse, followed by Duck Donuts, and then topping it off with a stop at our favorite brewery. I'm starting to wonder how we'd feel at the end of that day. Probably terrible. Would it be worth it? Possibly. (also, if you are also on this Whole 30 journey, I am not sorry about those links)
-I just realized that our first weekend sans Whole 30 rules will be Super Bowl weekend. Am I going to be that weirdo that brings buffalo cauliflower to a football event? I'm thinking yes.
-I had an epiphany that maybe today is my Day 10 and 11. Time is, in fact, all a mess.
-Apparently Tiger Blood is in the cards for next week. Or, at least, I hope so. I know I seem like I'm whining a lot, but I am actually feeling pretty good.
Is it possible to feel even better?
[cue TV commercial voice]
(I'm the worst.)
Go back:
Day 1
Day 2
Days 3-7
Day 8 (Wednesday)
-Cravings are almost gone, although the leftover Christmas tin of caramel popcorn in the office kitchen makes me want to exfoliate with the leftover crumbs as I cram kernels down my throat. I should note here that I do not like caramel popcorn. It's just there, though. In my face. I want to throw it out for everyone's sake, but I know it will sit there until February. This is so weird.
-We don't own a scale. I have become pretty anti-scale, focusing more on how my clothes feel and how I feel in general. But...I kind of wish we had a scale. I know it's against the rules to weigh yourself during the 30 days, lay off me. I did take actual measurements to track beginning and end progress, but I can't keep my jeans up and my shirts are definitely feeling looser. I am infinitely curious, but I'll fight the urge to run to Target and buy a scale just so I can be potentially disappointed. I am trusting the process, Whole 30-rule vigilantes, don't worry.
-I showed Walt how badly my hands are drying out and cracking due to all the hot and heavy dish washing action. "You have old lady hands," he tells me. He must have forgotten these old lady hands spent three straight hours in the kitchen tonight. Silly.
Day 9 (Thursday)
-I find myself annoyed with how much money I am spending on groceries, even with pretty serious planning, list making, and a fire burning deep within me to minimize the amount of food we waste as a household. We dropped $100 at Whole Foods on Tuesday; I spent another $175 today at Shop Rite. Apparently we are still within the average range to feed a family of four during the week on a "liberal" plan...but still. My wallet doth protest too much.
-"I'd eat that," I say, about every gross food commercial I see on TV.
-Peyton has stopped threatening to move out due to the number of times we ate some variation of chicken for dinner this week. I did make pot roast for dinner tonight. This is progress.
-Walt reports that I am getting a reputation at his job based on the food he is bringing in each day because we are #fancyAF. He said one of his coworkers pictures me as the put-together soccer mom in heels. That could not be further from the truth, but I am flattered nonetheless. Let it be known that I will never drive a minivan, however.
Day 10 (Friday)
-I have a freakish amount of energy.
-Walt almost licked a spoon full of non-compliant mayo this morning as we were making lunches for the girls. Like, mindlessly cleaning off the spoon with his mouth. Except it was full of mayonnaise. "Oh God!" he says, "I was just about to wreck my Whole 30 and vomit all at the same time."
-"Wanna join the gym on Sunday?" was an actual question uttered in the house today. Is this what hope feels like?
Day 11 (Saturday)
-I am starting to get tired of thinking about food. Meal planning. Meal prepping. Cooking. Cleaning it up. What my next meal is going to be. We have never eaten so well, but I sense potential burnout on the horizon. Perhaps I'll throw a couple of simple weeknight dinners into the mix or start relying a little more heavily on my crockpot.
-According to the Whole 30 timeline, days 10 and 11 are the "hardest days." Except it doesn't feel that way. It feels like stone-cold, blunt acceptance and it doesn't feel terrible, either. What a whirlwind of emotions this week has been already.
-Spending meal times away from the comfort of my home or my office lunch bag is frustrating. We spent the day at Grounds for Sculpture today, and while their food is delicious and skews to the healthier side...there wasn't a lot we could eat that would have been compliant. Packed jerky and RX bars to the rescue.
Day 12 (Sunday)
-This is it. If I make it past today, this will be the farthest I've made it in previous attempts at dominating Whole 30.
-We joined the gym! Today I practiced some restraint at going all in since I haven't worked out consistently in months. Very disappointed at the downsize in weight I can throw around, but looking forward to building strength and momentum back up. There is also a scale at the gym, so I can NOT buy one to keep at home now.
-The Eagles lost to the Saints, which is sad. What was not sad were the spicy Thai wings, homemade cilantro ranch, stuffed mushrooms, plantain chips + guac, and kombucha mocktails we brought to enjoy at my aunt and uncle's while everyone else ate mac and cheese and other things I would have enjoyed eating, but didn't miss thanks to planning ahead. #win
-Walt is ending his Whole 30 experiment on the 26th, thanks to an event he had already purchased tickets for which involves eating wings and drinking beer. I am slightly jealous, but feeling motivated to finish this out.
Day 13 (Monday)
-I made it! This is uncharted territory for me.
-So sore today. So very, very sore.
-Food boredom is real. Packing food for work is starting to feel like a chore I'd rather not do. But my skin! The energy! Sleep quality!
-Time seems to be slowing down. Is it because we've entered the very worst part of winter, or is it because sugar actually makes time faster?
Day 14 (Tuesday)
-I was up and at the gym by 5:15 this morning. I don't even know who I am anymore.
-We're almost halfway there and I find myself thinking about what happens on Day 31. I think what I miss the most is the OPTION to make a bad decision. Like yeah, I know bagels are bad for me and are definitely best enjoyed in moderation...but I also know a toasted bagel with an egg and bacon and maybe some melty cheese crammed between those doughy slices is straight-up delicious. I know food freedom is intended to come AFTER the Whole 30, but I'm wondering if subjecting ourselves to this for 30 days is worth it. I am, admittedly, feeling a little salty.
![]() |
My thoughts exactly. |
-Walt has planned a bender after we finish that consists of getting bagels from our favorite new breakfast joint that gives me all the heart eyes, Dead End Bakehouse, followed by Duck Donuts, and then topping it off with a stop at our favorite brewery. I'm starting to wonder how we'd feel at the end of that day. Probably terrible. Would it be worth it? Possibly. (also, if you are also on this Whole 30 journey, I am not sorry about those links)
-I just realized that our first weekend sans Whole 30 rules will be Super Bowl weekend. Am I going to be that weirdo that brings buffalo cauliflower to a football event? I'm thinking yes.
-I had an epiphany that maybe today is my Day 10 and 11. Time is, in fact, all a mess.
-Apparently Tiger Blood is in the cards for next week. Or, at least, I hope so. I know I seem like I'm whining a lot, but I am actually feeling pretty good.
Is it possible to feel even better?
[cue TV commercial voice]
(I'm the worst.)
Go back:
Day 1
Day 2
Days 3-7
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
That Time I Went Whole 30 - Days 3-7
So much for writing every day!
I am pleased to announce we made it through the weekend relatively unscathed and still going strong with this Whole 30 experiment. It wasn't without its struggles, which I will briefly outline here in a tidy list of bullet points. There were also some sweet victories.
Notes from the field:
Day 3 (Friday)
-Bathroom issues have started resolving themselves. It is both terrifying and amazing.
-I was feeling very encouraged after Day 2's dinner success. I was even feeling so bold that I attempted a meal on not one, but TWO unsuspecting children that involved chicken, almond meal, and unsweetened coconut flakes. This was inherently risky because one child rejects any chicken that does not hail from Chick Fil A, and the other does not like coconut. Good news: both enjoyed it immensely and I relished telling them what they had eaten once they had cleared their plates. Their reactions were priceless. This continues to gives me hope.
-Prepping our food for the next day the night before makes our morning exponentially better. It makes me wonder why I don't do these things every night, and then I remind myself that I am horrifically lazy sometimes.
-I was anxious about going into the weekend without a usual liquor store pit stop, but it turns out ginger kombucha and lime La Croix tastes pretty darn close to a Moscow Mule sans vodka. This pleases me. I'm not entirely sure mocktails fit in with the spirit of Whole 30, but I don't care. I am thriving over here on fermented tea.
-Walt suggested I play hooky on Tuesday and have a day date that involves Whole Foods! Whole 30 truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Day 4 (Saturday)
-My sleep has been very restful. I wake up and don't feel foggy or lethargic. This is nice.
-Novelty has worn off for the girls. I heard several times throughout the day that they hated the Whole 30 even though they had been eating crap all day, and then it finally culminated in my daughter rolling up her bedroom rug and telling me she was moving because I make her eat too much chicken.
-The girls had a tea party that involved Easy Bake Oven baked goods. I have never wanted questionable cakes baked under a lightbulb more in my entire life. Walt keeps bringing to my attention that I am a little whiny about foods I can't eat, especially considering they are foods I would normally never touch. I want to bite him, too.
-I had a hard time falling asleep because my anxiety was a bit ratcheted up. I thought about reaching over and popping a couple of my melatonin gummies to help me along, but I realized they were a no-no.
Day 5 (Sunday)
-I did eventually fall asleep, and it was another solid night of sleeping like the dead. I am not mad about this.
-I had my first food dream which involved hoovering chocolate covered Oreos and then crying because I ruined my Whole 30. I guess this beats my food dreams that I had last time I attempted this, which involved Tostitos tortilla chips (which are gross anyway)...but I was afraid would resurface this time to include Jean-Claude Van Damme in a dress trying to sell chips to me and telling me Melissa Hartwig is a liar.
-Food shopping on a Sunday afternoon is the pits. Food shopping on a Sunday afternoon on an empty stomach with no list because you left it in the car and are too stubborn to go back and get it is even worse. Food shopping with all that PLUS a seven year old who is completely in Whole 30 rebellion is REALLY even worse. I bought Slim Jims to placate her. I want to eat them.
-I made these lettuce wraps for dinner and they were nothing short of amazing. The Eagles won and it was nothing short of amazing. Philadelphia QB controversy is not amazing.
-By Sunday night I am feeling very clear-headed. Perhaps that has something to do with foregoing my usual weekend nightcaps that include vodka.
Day 6 (Monday)
-Bloat is gone. Praise.
-We are very tired of doing dishes. Our dishwasher is running almost every day, completely full. My hands are super dry and permanently wrinkled due to being submerged in soapy water for what feels like an hour every night. It might be time to invest in gloves.
-My daughter ate a meatball that contained minced mushrooms. She started dissecting one and asked what a piece of mushroom was. I told her it was seasoning. I do not feel bad about this because I do not negotiate with terrorists.
Day 7 (Tuesday)
-Epic bougie date day with Walt! We drove 40 minutes away and went to Trader Joe's where they were disappointingly sold out of cauliflower gnocchi, but we did find a lemon ginger sparkling water that is amazing. We also stopped at Whole Foods and spent more time reading labels and dissecting a product's level of Whole 30 compliance. Walt would hand me an item and ask, "Is this okay?" I would read the ingredients and after a while I would put it back on the shelf without even saying anything, because I knew he would start flailing in the aisle in disappointment.
-We did, however, make an amazing dinner together at home which involved ahi tuna steaks, shrimp, roasted cabbage slices, air-fried yucca, and an arugula salad. I feel like I need to point out that I am very much not a creative in the kitchen, but I find peace in the fact that other people are, are very open about it on the internet, and I can take advantage of their culinary prowess.
-HOWEVER, I was able to create my own mustard and ginger vinaigrette that went great on the cabbage and the salad, and whipped up a marinade/pan sauce for the shrimp that involved coconut aminos, ginger, spicy chile sauce, garlic, and sesame seed oil. At this point I feel like we should open our own bougie restaurant here in podunk South Jersey where we can't have nice things like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods or healthy, quick food options in general. We'd fold in six months, but it would be a fun ride.
-I would say I am owning it in the kitchen, but apparently I need to work on my knife skills because my hands are covered in tiny cuts that I keep giving myself. Today's new cut comes from the spiralizer. Sharp objects are not my friend. At our restaurant you'd be eating dishes seasoned with tiny drops of my blood.
-After cleaning up tonight's dinner, I consulted with my meal plan and noticed that we are having lemon and garlic chicken thighs with roasted potatoes and green beans for dinner tomorrow night. I'm wondering if I should preemptively pull out a suitcase for Peyton this time as she is still hoping to spark the revolt over chicken consumption in this house.
Viva la revolucion.
Go back:
Day 1
Day 2
I am pleased to announce we made it through the weekend relatively unscathed and still going strong with this Whole 30 experiment. It wasn't without its struggles, which I will briefly outline here in a tidy list of bullet points. There were also some sweet victories.
Notes from the field:
Day 3 (Friday)
-Bathroom issues have started resolving themselves. It is both terrifying and amazing.
-I was feeling very encouraged after Day 2's dinner success. I was even feeling so bold that I attempted a meal on not one, but TWO unsuspecting children that involved chicken, almond meal, and unsweetened coconut flakes. This was inherently risky because one child rejects any chicken that does not hail from Chick Fil A, and the other does not like coconut. Good news: both enjoyed it immensely and I relished telling them what they had eaten once they had cleared their plates. Their reactions were priceless. This continues to gives me hope.
-Prepping our food for the next day the night before makes our morning exponentially better. It makes me wonder why I don't do these things every night, and then I remind myself that I am horrifically lazy sometimes.
-I was anxious about going into the weekend without a usual liquor store pit stop, but it turns out ginger kombucha and lime La Croix tastes pretty darn close to a Moscow Mule sans vodka. This pleases me. I'm not entirely sure mocktails fit in with the spirit of Whole 30, but I don't care. I am thriving over here on fermented tea.
-Walt suggested I play hooky on Tuesday and have a day date that involves Whole Foods! Whole 30 truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Day 4 (Saturday)
-My sleep has been very restful. I wake up and don't feel foggy or lethargic. This is nice.
-Novelty has worn off for the girls. I heard several times throughout the day that they hated the Whole 30 even though they had been eating crap all day, and then it finally culminated in my daughter rolling up her bedroom rug and telling me she was moving because I make her eat too much chicken.
-The girls had a tea party that involved Easy Bake Oven baked goods. I have never wanted questionable cakes baked under a lightbulb more in my entire life. Walt keeps bringing to my attention that I am a little whiny about foods I can't eat, especially considering they are foods I would normally never touch. I want to bite him, too.
-I had a hard time falling asleep because my anxiety was a bit ratcheted up. I thought about reaching over and popping a couple of my melatonin gummies to help me along, but I realized they were a no-no.
Day 5 (Sunday)
-I did eventually fall asleep, and it was another solid night of sleeping like the dead. I am not mad about this.
-I had my first food dream which involved hoovering chocolate covered Oreos and then crying because I ruined my Whole 30. I guess this beats my food dreams that I had last time I attempted this, which involved Tostitos tortilla chips (which are gross anyway)...but I was afraid would resurface this time to include Jean-Claude Van Damme in a dress trying to sell chips to me and telling me Melissa Hartwig is a liar.
-Food shopping on a Sunday afternoon is the pits. Food shopping on a Sunday afternoon on an empty stomach with no list because you left it in the car and are too stubborn to go back and get it is even worse. Food shopping with all that PLUS a seven year old who is completely in Whole 30 rebellion is REALLY even worse. I bought Slim Jims to placate her. I want to eat them.
-I made these lettuce wraps for dinner and they were nothing short of amazing. The Eagles won and it was nothing short of amazing. Philadelphia QB controversy is not amazing.
-By Sunday night I am feeling very clear-headed. Perhaps that has something to do with foregoing my usual weekend nightcaps that include vodka.
Day 6 (Monday)
-Bloat is gone. Praise.
-We are very tired of doing dishes. Our dishwasher is running almost every day, completely full. My hands are super dry and permanently wrinkled due to being submerged in soapy water for what feels like an hour every night. It might be time to invest in gloves.
![]() |
A common sight just about every single day now. |
-My daughter ate a meatball that contained minced mushrooms. She started dissecting one and asked what a piece of mushroom was. I told her it was seasoning. I do not feel bad about this because I do not negotiate with terrorists.
Day 7 (Tuesday)
-Epic bougie date day with Walt! We drove 40 minutes away and went to Trader Joe's where they were disappointingly sold out of cauliflower gnocchi, but we did find a lemon ginger sparkling water that is amazing. We also stopped at Whole Foods and spent more time reading labels and dissecting a product's level of Whole 30 compliance. Walt would hand me an item and ask, "Is this okay?" I would read the ingredients and after a while I would put it back on the shelf without even saying anything, because I knew he would start flailing in the aisle in disappointment.
-We did, however, make an amazing dinner together at home which involved ahi tuna steaks, shrimp, roasted cabbage slices, air-fried yucca, and an arugula salad. I feel like I need to point out that I am very much not a creative in the kitchen, but I find peace in the fact that other people are, are very open about it on the internet, and I can take advantage of their culinary prowess.
-HOWEVER, I was able to create my own mustard and ginger vinaigrette that went great on the cabbage and the salad, and whipped up a marinade/pan sauce for the shrimp that involved coconut aminos, ginger, spicy chile sauce, garlic, and sesame seed oil. At this point I feel like we should open our own bougie restaurant here in podunk South Jersey where we can't have nice things like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods or healthy, quick food options in general. We'd fold in six months, but it would be a fun ride.
-I would say I am owning it in the kitchen, but apparently I need to work on my knife skills because my hands are covered in tiny cuts that I keep giving myself. Today's new cut comes from the spiralizer. Sharp objects are not my friend. At our restaurant you'd be eating dishes seasoned with tiny drops of my blood.
-After cleaning up tonight's dinner, I consulted with my meal plan and noticed that we are having lemon and garlic chicken thighs with roasted potatoes and green beans for dinner tomorrow night. I'm wondering if I should preemptively pull out a suitcase for Peyton this time as she is still hoping to spark the revolt over chicken consumption in this house.
Viva la revolucion.
Go back:
Day 1
Day 2
Thursday, January 3, 2019
That Time I Went Whole 30 - Day 2
Day 2 is a dumpster fire.
I FEEL like piping hot garbage.
I had a headache and the bloating is uncalled for. I am offended by it. I feel like I will never have a normal bathroom habit again (and now I've probably offended you, but I am not sorry).
I sat at my desk at work all day and was basically propping my head up with my hand. I also wished I had something to keep my eyes propped open because I was exhausted. And so, so hungry.
The dinner meeting I had tonight was not something I was looking forward to. I had checked out the menu a couple days beforehand when I was feeling better and more optimistic and less like Day 2 of my Whole 30 would kill me. I did find some things I probably could have eaten, but then my stupid anxiety kicked in with the following thoughts:
"What kind of oil do you think they cook their meats in?"
"Do you think the seasonal veggies have butter in them?"
"I am going to look like an idiot in front of all these women, grilling the poor server on how the food is prepared."
And thus I decided to save an emergency snack for later in the afternoon, not order food at dinner, then pray my snack held me over and my willpower could withstand sitting at a table with 15+ women who were ordering what I was sure would be all kinds of gloriousness.
But onward we go. During lunch, I stopped at the grocery store and picked myself up a bottle of kombucha as a "you go girl" motivational treat. Also because I was praying that dumping some probiotics into my gut would relieve me of some of the gastrointestinal distress in which I was finding myself.
Also, Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" was on the radio on my way back to the office, so I took that as a sign.
My PM snack was an apple and almond butter, and I must have blacked out because I found myself eating the remaining almond butter I had portioned myself with a spoon after I had finished the apple.
Not my proudest moment, but I guess it's much better than blacking out into a questionable carton of ice cream.
The day did, in fact, take a turn for the better--even though my headache never seemed to go away no matter how much water I chugged.
At my meeting, they decided to handle business first and do dinner second. Lucky me! Just in time to stay for the good part and dip before appetizers hit the table.
Second win for the day: my child, who retains the title of pickiest eater in the world, LIKED THE DINNER I MADE. AND ATE ALL OF IT. AND THEN PICKED SOME OFF OF MY PLATE AND ATE THAT TOO.
So, yeah. Day 2 was awful. I just want to go to the bathroom. This headache is the worst. My pants are tight. I need all the naps. I feel, generally, like shit.
Walt feels the same way, which makes me feel better in some sad, weird way. I am very grateful he has committed to doing this with me.
He is also amazed by the amount of dirty dishes we are generating. For the most part, we are pretty conscious of our carbon footprint, and have even switched to cloth napkins for day-to-day use. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't already fantasizing about switching to paper plates, napkins and plastic cutlery for the next 28 days.
But I love that man because he will talk me off the ledge, remind me that we are doing our part to save the turtles, and aren't making mother nature cry...so there's that.
Go back
Day 1
I FEEL like piping hot garbage.
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Straight outta Facebook. |
I had a headache and the bloating is uncalled for. I am offended by it. I feel like I will never have a normal bathroom habit again (and now I've probably offended you, but I am not sorry).
I sat at my desk at work all day and was basically propping my head up with my hand. I also wished I had something to keep my eyes propped open because I was exhausted. And so, so hungry.
The dinner meeting I had tonight was not something I was looking forward to. I had checked out the menu a couple days beforehand when I was feeling better and more optimistic and less like Day 2 of my Whole 30 would kill me. I did find some things I probably could have eaten, but then my stupid anxiety kicked in with the following thoughts:
"What kind of oil do you think they cook their meats in?"
"Do you think the seasonal veggies have butter in them?"
"I am going to look like an idiot in front of all these women, grilling the poor server on how the food is prepared."
And thus I decided to save an emergency snack for later in the afternoon, not order food at dinner, then pray my snack held me over and my willpower could withstand sitting at a table with 15+ women who were ordering what I was sure would be all kinds of gloriousness.
But onward we go. During lunch, I stopped at the grocery store and picked myself up a bottle of kombucha as a "you go girl" motivational treat. Also because I was praying that dumping some probiotics into my gut would relieve me of some of the gastrointestinal distress in which I was finding myself.
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Sad desk lunch. Hello darkness my old friend. |
Also, Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" was on the radio on my way back to the office, so I took that as a sign.
My PM snack was an apple and almond butter, and I must have blacked out because I found myself eating the remaining almond butter I had portioned myself with a spoon after I had finished the apple.
Not my proudest moment, but I guess it's much better than blacking out into a questionable carton of ice cream.
The day did, in fact, take a turn for the better--even though my headache never seemed to go away no matter how much water I chugged.
At my meeting, they decided to handle business first and do dinner second. Lucky me! Just in time to stay for the good part and dip before appetizers hit the table.
Second win for the day: my child, who retains the title of pickiest eater in the world, LIKED THE DINNER I MADE. AND ATE ALL OF IT. AND THEN PICKED SOME OFF OF MY PLATE AND ATE THAT TOO.
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Crockpot pulled pork, roasted potatoes, and steamed green beans with salt, pepper, and olive oil. |
So, yeah. Day 2 was awful. I just want to go to the bathroom. This headache is the worst. My pants are tight. I need all the naps. I feel, generally, like shit.
Walt feels the same way, which makes me feel better in some sad, weird way. I am very grateful he has committed to doing this with me.
He is also amazed by the amount of dirty dishes we are generating. For the most part, we are pretty conscious of our carbon footprint, and have even switched to cloth napkins for day-to-day use. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't already fantasizing about switching to paper plates, napkins and plastic cutlery for the next 28 days.
But I love that man because he will talk me off the ledge, remind me that we are doing our part to save the turtles, and aren't making mother nature cry...so there's that.
Go back
Day 1
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
That Time I Went Whole30 - Day 1
Day 1 of the Whole 30 and I was here to kick some ass.
I was prepped, the refrigerator was ridiculously full, I was fretting over whether or not all the produce would go bad before we could consume it, and I had already done so many dishes. A good start!
To top it all off, I made homemade MAYO, you guys!
I don't even LIKE mayonnaise. The sight of it alone usually triggers my gag reflex. But I know (from so many failed experiences) that you NEED condiments to make it through these 30 days. Avocado and guacamole can only get you so far. I also know that dipping foods in sauces is my favorite thing. Mayo is a good base for a lot of dips and aiolis. And when you also also know the nearest place you can actually purchase compliant condiments is a Whole Foods 40 miles away, and you are recovering financially from the holidays/family court battles/car accidents (like WTF Q4 2018), and the thought of spending $8 on a tiny jar of mayo makes you cringe, you do the damn thing in the kitchen.
#whole30hero on day one, you guys.
My low point of the day was at the very, very end. Peyton wanted ice cream for dessert and was super stoked about the "Birthday Party" flavor Pearl had picked out over the weekend. It has these weird pastel-colored pieces of what I can assume are cake, but I don't really understand what it is, exactly. It MELTS like ice cream, but it LOOKS like cake. Peyton swears that it is cake. I disagree. It makes me uneasy. It's a shapeshifter and therefore not to be trusted.
I would not have usually even entertained the idea of eating such an abomination, but as I was scooping it out of the carton and into Peyton's bowl, I was suddenly overwhelmed by this deep, profound, visceral reaction that I NEEDED TO LICK THE SPOON. Maybe even eat a scoop myself? The urge to put that ice cream in my mouth was so intense. I had to physically breathe through, put the lid on it, and throw that sucker back in the freezer with a quickness. I also considered padlocking the freezer door until the morning.
Sugar Dragon, I see you. Thy name is evil.
Walt was introduced to the concept of chia seed pudding, which I'm glad I prepped as an emergency snack because I needed it after the painful and ridiculous lure of questionable ice cream. Admittedly, I am not sure how Walt feels about chia seed pudding. I think he thinks I am some sort of weird hippie and now his future is just seeds that turn into slime when they're soaked in almond milk.
Go back:
The Prep Post
I was prepped, the refrigerator was ridiculously full, I was fretting over whether or not all the produce would go bad before we could consume it, and I had already done so many dishes. A good start!
To top it all off, I made homemade MAYO, you guys!
I don't even LIKE mayonnaise. The sight of it alone usually triggers my gag reflex. But I know (from so many failed experiences) that you NEED condiments to make it through these 30 days. Avocado and guacamole can only get you so far. I also know that dipping foods in sauces is my favorite thing. Mayo is a good base for a lot of dips and aiolis. And when you also also know the nearest place you can actually purchase compliant condiments is a Whole Foods 40 miles away, and you are recovering financially from the holidays/family court battles/car accidents (like WTF Q4 2018), and the thought of spending $8 on a tiny jar of mayo makes you cringe, you do the damn thing in the kitchen.
#whole30hero on day one, you guys.
My low point of the day was at the very, very end. Peyton wanted ice cream for dessert and was super stoked about the "Birthday Party" flavor Pearl had picked out over the weekend. It has these weird pastel-colored pieces of what I can assume are cake, but I don't really understand what it is, exactly. It MELTS like ice cream, but it LOOKS like cake. Peyton swears that it is cake. I disagree. It makes me uneasy. It's a shapeshifter and therefore not to be trusted.
I would not have usually even entertained the idea of eating such an abomination, but as I was scooping it out of the carton and into Peyton's bowl, I was suddenly overwhelmed by this deep, profound, visceral reaction that I NEEDED TO LICK THE SPOON. Maybe even eat a scoop myself? The urge to put that ice cream in my mouth was so intense. I had to physically breathe through, put the lid on it, and throw that sucker back in the freezer with a quickness. I also considered padlocking the freezer door until the morning.
Sugar Dragon, I see you. Thy name is evil.
Walt was introduced to the concept of chia seed pudding, which I'm glad I prepped as an emergency snack because I needed it after the painful and ridiculous lure of questionable ice cream. Admittedly, I am not sure how Walt feels about chia seed pudding. I think he thinks I am some sort of weird hippie and now his future is just seeds that turn into slime when they're soaked in almond milk.
Go back:
The Prep Post
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
That Time I Went Whole30 - The Prep
I posted this blog post in January 2018 with high hopes and bold intentions. It was pretty gutsy.
Guess what?
That registered as attempt #4 on the "better luck next time, weakling!" Whole 30 wagon.
Like, seriously. Talk about commitment phobia. Especially when it involves removing all the good things in life, like Friday night cocktails and blocks of cheese (for real though, I don't even LIKE cheese that much--unless I can't have it and then I just want to bathe in it forever, gastrointestinal distress or bust).
I still very much stalk the Whole 30 Instagram account as well as Melissa Hartwig Urban's Instagram account (#girlcrushforever) because I want to do this, damnit! I want Tiger Blood. I need that mystical Week 3 amazing-nothing-can-stop-me-now feeling.
Around mid-December, I started paying a whole lot of attention to the ubiquitous #JanuaryWhole30 hashtag that started popping up in my social media feeds. I got the urge again, and this time I felt more confident in an attempt because I had a new means of motivation: Walt. Who better to hold you accountable than the person you love and live with and deals with all your crazy ideas?!
I asked him if he wanted to do this with me, and he agreed and immediately told me that once he learns the rules there is no going back for him. He was committed.
I put my planning pants on, built a ridiculous meal plan, and used the Amazon gift card my boss gave me to order new food storage containers and mason jars, because nothing says "I am ready to kick Whole 30 ass" quite like new tupperware and miscellaneous food vessels.
I'm chronicling our Whole 30 deal right here--except because I'm not a food blogger, I'm not posting recipes and my photos are going to be crappy, poorly lit iPhone photos. You're welcome.
What I'm most looking forward to sharing here are how we're feeling, what worked, what didn't and all that fun stuff in between. I'm also using The Whole 30 Day by Day (not an affiliate link or anything like that, just sharing and also because I have no idea how to monetize this blog yet, namely because I never actually WRITE anymore) to chart my progress, and I'll share some of my entries from that as well.
So happy January, fam! Let's get this sugar-, grain-, gluten-, dairy-, alcohol-, legume-, MSG-, sulfite-free party started!
I'm exhausted already.
Guess what?
That registered as attempt #4 on the "better luck next time, weakling!" Whole 30 wagon.
Like, seriously. Talk about commitment phobia. Especially when it involves removing all the good things in life, like Friday night cocktails and blocks of cheese (for real though, I don't even LIKE cheese that much--unless I can't have it and then I just want to bathe in it forever, gastrointestinal distress or bust).
I still very much stalk the Whole 30 Instagram account as well as Melissa Hartwig Urban's Instagram account (#girlcrushforever) because I want to do this, damnit! I want Tiger Blood. I need that mystical Week 3 amazing-nothing-can-stop-me-now feeling.
Around mid-December, I started paying a whole lot of attention to the ubiquitous #JanuaryWhole30 hashtag that started popping up in my social media feeds. I got the urge again, and this time I felt more confident in an attempt because I had a new means of motivation: Walt. Who better to hold you accountable than the person you love and live with and deals with all your crazy ideas?!
I asked him if he wanted to do this with me, and he agreed and immediately told me that once he learns the rules there is no going back for him. He was committed.
I put my planning pants on, built a ridiculous meal plan, and used the Amazon gift card my boss gave me to order new food storage containers and mason jars, because nothing says "I am ready to kick Whole 30 ass" quite like new tupperware and miscellaneous food vessels.
I'm chronicling our Whole 30 deal right here--except because I'm not a food blogger, I'm not posting recipes and my photos are going to be crappy, poorly lit iPhone photos. You're welcome.
What I'm most looking forward to sharing here are how we're feeling, what worked, what didn't and all that fun stuff in between. I'm also using The Whole 30 Day by Day (not an affiliate link or anything like that, just sharing and also because I have no idea how to monetize this blog yet, namely because I never actually WRITE anymore) to chart my progress, and I'll share some of my entries from that as well.
So happy January, fam! Let's get this sugar-, grain-, gluten-, dairy-, alcohol-, legume-, MSG-, sulfite-free party started!
I'm exhausted already.
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