Wednesday, January 28, 2015

#GoalDigger Series Post #3: Visualizing Success

Welcome to my third post of the #goaldigger series! Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing with you how I goalset, how to find (and keep) my motivation, how to stay on track, and how to hold yourself accountable. My life has changed BIG TIME since last March due to several of the ideas I am going to share with you. I'm so excited to help you make 2015 the best year ever.


You've set your goals, developed your why, and you've got those resources to help re-route you when times start getting tough. Probably one of my favorite parts of goal-setting, though, is thinking forward. 

Visualizing your goals coming to fruition makes them, in my opinion, more tangible. Picturing what life looks like once those goals are reached lights the fire in your belly just a little more. 

My three favorite ways to visualize success:

1.) Quiet time & meditation
I try to spend 15-20 minutes every morning (during my "sacred time") in perfect quiet, thinking forward and picturing what my life looks like once I've reached my goals. What am I doing? How is my family affected? What does our day look like? Jumping into the future is fun, because you can *feel* the potential there. It creates belief. YOU CAN DO THIS. In your mind, you already have done it.

2.) Affirmations
Every so often, I swap out my quiet time with affirmation-writing. It's easy. Take your goals and write them in the present, as if they have happened. For example: "I have saved $2,000 and we are taking a vacation." "I am active and present member in my church." "I am an Elite Coach." This helps put in you in that mindset. It helps you focus.

3.) Vision Boards
This one is my favorite, because it gets your creative juices flowing. Remember how you used to make collages with pictures cut out of magazines and newspapers? That's basically what a vision board is. You can make a hard copy with magazines, or you can use a photo editing program (PicMonkey is free!) to create one digitally.

Here's mine:

For the most part, my goals haven't changed since I last shared my goals with you. Except you might notice the addition of "Premiere" to the vision board...a Premiere Coach is high-performance coach who is a true leader of their organization. I want that, so now I've upped my rank advancement goal to 2 Star Diamond this year. It's a BIG, SCARY goal, but someone's gotta set one! You'll also notice that I added my goal to participate in The Color Run, my program goals, how many people I want to help this year, and how I want to find our church home (which we DID!).  That quote in the bottom center is a constant reminder about my's a slow one, but every step is shaping me and there is no rushing it. I am where I am supposed to be right now.

Ever use any of these methods to visualize success in reaching your goals? I'd LOVE to hear about it!

Next up: Staying Accountable. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

21 Day Fix EXTREME--It's Coming!

I've shared about my results with 21 Day Fix, which I think is anything but a "fix." It's not "Here, take this pill and you'll see results," or makes an empty promise on results. If you follow the nutrition plan closely and put in the work with the workouts, you will see results. It's so simple.

It's a transformative program for many that help them completely retrain their bodies and their eating habits. It teaches portion control; how much of what to eat and when; how to build strength and stamina. And all in 21 days. It's amazing.

I've had great results with 21 Day Fix (lost almost 10 pounds in November!), and I'm amped to announce that 21 Day Fix EXTREME is going to be launched on February 2!

For more info, check out this video:

Some quick facts:

You get SEVEN workouts that are 30 minutes each, which means you have one workout for each day of the week--it can be fit into ANY schedule! And you'll never be bored, nor will your body adapt.

The workouts feature a unique blend of steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body. You'll see results fast.

The BIG difference between this and the original 21 Day Fix is that the weights are heavier and the nutrition plan is MUCH more strict. With 21 Day Fix, you could fit treats like wine and small cheats into your meal plan. Not with the Fix Extreme! You’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. And, of course, you'll get the portion control containers that are a game-changer if you need help with portions and fitting in your different food groups throughout the day!

This program would be great for those of you that are looking to drop some weight and tone up fast--got a vacation coming up? People who are seriously serious about doing what it takes to see results would be great candidates for 21 Day Fix Extreme. Don't feel like counting calories or weighing food? I bet this program is for you.

To my 21 Day Fix, T25, and other program grads who are ready to take it up a notch--this one is definitely for YOU.

Interested? I will be hosting a challenge group that starts on Monday, February 16 and you can be one of the FIRST people to try it out!  I am only accepting serious applicants, and you MUST commit to your challenge pack by February 9 to be able to start.

Click here to apply to for the February Challenge Group!

Monday, January 19, 2015

#GoalDigger Series Post #2: Finding Your Motivation--What's Your WHY?

Welcome to my second post of the #goaldigger series! Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing with you how I goalset, how to find (and keep) my motivation, how to stay on track, and how to hold yourself accountable. My life has changed BIG TIME since last March due to several of the ideas I am going to share with you. I'm so excited to help you make 2015 the best year ever.


So, you've set a goal. Maybe two of three of them.

You are a rockstar.

You are one step ahead of almost everyone. People make resolutions in January. But not you. You are setting tangible goals, and that makes you WAY more likely to actually reach those goals than the resolution-makers.

You set that goal. You jump in in January. You're doing great. And then...a few weeks goes by and you start losing steam. Your goal seems too hard, or too big, or just plain unreachable. By March, you become deflated.

Big goals, small goals--it doesn't matter. It happens to the best of us if we lose sight of the reason why we're working toward these goals.

It's easy to get super excited at first. You are running headfirst with a goal that can have a profound effect on your life. You are going to lose weight, connect on a higher level with your spouse or significant other, save more money, et cetera, et cetera.

But if you can't figure out WHY you are doing these things--there is no reminder that when times get tough, there is a strong underlying reason for reaching these goals.

Let's use the example of losing weight. I'm pretty sure it's the most popular resolution people make each January.

Those people hit the gym hard for the month and head into February strong. Then one day it snows and they don't feel like driving to the gym, so they don't go. Then another day they make lunch plans with their friends, so they tell themselves they'll go to the gym later in the day--but when later comes that thought is long gone. Next thing you know, it's March and that person hasn't been to the gym in weeks!

For me, I set a goal to get healthy last year. That included changing my eating habits and to start incorporating some sort of fitness regimen into my daily activity. One of the first few things I did was write out my "Why."

Why was I doing this? Sure, there were some vanity-based reasons involved, but my big reason stemmed from an experience I had just weeks prior in Disney World with my family. My daughter was two years old, and this was supposed to be an amazing day in the happiest place on earth. Except I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE the entire time that I just felt like I couldn't keep up with her. My feet hurt. My legs chafed until they bled from walking the park. I was bloated and had horrible digestive issues. I was in such discomfort that I broke down crying at lunch that day. True story: here I am, in the middle of freaking DISNEY WORLD, and I am crying into my lunch because I am in physical pain. At 28 years old. Because I was treating my body like crap, I looked and felt like crap.

January 2014.
I know I've shared this photo already, but this is a constant reminder to me of where I started.
This is the day that set my goal in motion.

When I got home, I promised I'd change. Not just for me, but for my family. I vowed that I wouldn't allow myself to remain unable to keep up with my family--especially my daughter--because of my weight and poor health choices. I promised that I would set an example for Peyton, to teach her that our bodies are our vehicles while we are on Earth, that we only get one, and we need to treat it right.

My WHY is relatively simple: my family. Everything I do revolves around my husband and daughter. I was to be present for my family. Share in joy with my family. Keep up with my family.

They are the reason I am still here, almost a year later, puffing away in my living room every day. When I have a bad day and I'm grouchy and I don't feel like getting dressed into my workout clothes, moving all the furniture out of the way, and pushing play (I know, working out at home is SO HARD, YA'LL), I remember that day in Disney World. That is what keeps me going.

So, if you have a goal in mind, sit down with a pen and paper and write it out--WHY are you setting this goal? What is it going to do for you? How will it change your life? If your goal is to save some money this year--maybe your why has to do with building financial security for your family.

Tie your goal to a REASON, write it down, keep it handy, and refer to it often.

Your WHY is what will set the stakes for you. It will raise the bar.

Your WHY is what will keep you motivation even when you feel like quitting.

Friday, January 16, 2015

#GoalDigger Series Post #1: Goal-Setting & Staying on Track

Welcome to my first post of the #goaldigger series! Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing with you how I goal-set, how to find (and keep) motivation, how to stay on track, and how to hold yourself accountable. My life has changed BIG TIME since last March due to several of the ideas I am going to share with you. I'm so excited to help you make 2015 the best year ever.


Goal-setting can be a scary thing. Here you are, setting these big milestones and accomplishments in place for the future and you might not have any clue how you are going to get there.

But you've gotta start somewhere, otherwise that big goal will be hanging over your head and what was once beautiful and golden can turn into an ugly black cloud.

We don't like clouds here at This MisFIT Mama, so we're going to keep them away.

You want to make a change in your life for the better, but you don't know where to get started.
Staying on track can be difficult. It is easy to come off the rails if you let your internal excuses and external environment get you down.

Here are some tips I've used during the last year to help get me to concrete goals and how I stay on track:

Write It Down

Yes, you're probably rolling your eyes because this SEEMS amateur-ish. You're going to be doing a lot of writing with me. So, write it down. Just your goal. Be tangible. Be specific. Make it measurable.

Is it written down? Good.

Post it somewhere so it is visible to you often. You could hang it on a fridge, or put it on a post-it note and stick it to your computer monitor, or put it in your bathroom so you look at it every day while you brush your teeth. This will be your reminder that you are working toward BIG THINGS!

Work It Through

There are several programs out there than can help you streamline your goal-setting process. One I highly recommend is Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push. In 30 days, Chalene helps you laser in on a "push goal" and teaches you how to effectively manage your day so you are super-focused in on that goal.

She also talks about "reverse engineering," which I LOVE. Reverse engineering is taking your goal and working backwards. Let's use weight loss as an example. You want to lose 20 pounds this year by December 31, 2015. OK, great. Now let's break it down:

You have 12 months in a year. That's a little less than 2 pounds a month you need to lose.
52 weeks in a year. That's not even a half a pound a week! (See, manageable!)
Develop a plan (on paper) that will help you reach that goal. Work out five times a week and eat six small meals a day. BOOM. Not only is your goal not overwhelming now, but you have a plan broken down into a weekly level so that you KNOW exactly what you'll be doing each week to reach that goal. Make concise, consistent steps that you know you'll complete to work your way to your goal.

I love reverse engineering. I already said that, but it's so's a game-changer.

Visualize It

I am going to get more into this in a later post, but visualizing what your goal looks like makes it more tangible to you. Imagine you have already reached your goal. What does it look like to you. What does it feel like? Spend a couple minutes each day in peace and quiet, thinking about your goal and what it looks like once you've reached it. Picture yourself at that point. Realize that it can be done.

Practicing affirmations and developing a vision board are great ways to practice visualizing your goals. We'll be going deeper into that later, but I wanted to mention it now.

And there you have it! I hope these three tips set you on the right path, and if you want to dig in a little deeper, I ABSOLUTELY recommend the 30 Day Push!

Next post in the #goaldigger series: Finding (and keeping) motivation.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thoughts on Insanity Max: 30 - Week 1 & Some Real Talk

Here I am halfway through week two. My body is sore. I can't walk up the stairs after I'm done my workouts. I am kicking myself for slacking off the last few weeks because this is CRAZY.

But I mean, anything in the Insanity series of workouts has to be crazy to live up to the reputation, right?!

So far I haven't made it past the first seven minutes of any workout without maxing out, BUT by the end of the week I felt strong enough to do some of the plyometric moves that I shied away from early on.

I am also pushing myself to beat my time from the last time I did each workout. On Tuesday night I beat last week's Tabata Power max out time by 15 seconds. Sure, to some it might not seem like a HUGE deal, but progress is progress, even if it is measured in seconds.

But one thing that has been slacking is my nutrition. I'll admit it.

Insanity Max: 30 follows a simple meal plan similar to 21 Day Fix, and it should only be easier for me because I already have my containers from 21 Day Fix. But my downfall has been my failure to plan. I haven't sat down and physically planned out my meals for the week, which is strange because I love meal planning. It helps ground me for the week. But I've also found myself sneaking a piece of candy here, eating mindlessly because I'm bored there, etc. I don't know what is up with that, but it sure doesn't set me up for any sort of success with that going on.

To be absolutely honest, I'm thinking about restarting from Week 1 on Monday with my January Challenge Group. I didn't give myself a fair shot the first two weeks because my meal planning was so shoddy, so it's time to pick myself up and make darn sure I start off the RIGHT way. I'll still finish this week's schedule, but next week I'll be back at square one with my challengers.

Honesty is my policy here. I won't share amazing stories about what these programs can do if I am not following the plan right. I want those crazy results so I know I have to discipline myself to work for them. No more cheats, no more letting it slide. Purposeful planning from here on out.

I'm human--I goofed--time to set it right.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

On the Eve of Insanity Max: 30

It's Sunday night.

Tomorrow at 5 AM I'll be pushing play on my first Insanity Max: 30 workout. I took my measurements this morning, but in writing this I just realized I'll have to have Denny take my Day 1 photos tomorrow morning.

Is it weird that I am insanely nervous for this program? (see what I did there?)

Maybe I'm just nervous because hands down this is the hardest program I've done yet.

Cardio is not my strong suit. And Shaun T is the be all, end all of cardio.

I previewed a workout over the weekend. Just watching, the half an hour went quickly. I know once I'm into it, that 30 minutes will c-r-a-w-l by. Cardio does that to time.

But I'm ready.

The next 60 days are going to be CRAZY, but I'm all in.

Meal plan ready for Week One. I've got my workout clothes all ready for the morning. I have no excuses.

Aaaaaad we're off!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jan 1: Transform 2015: Making It The Best Year Ever

Happy New Year!

2015 is FINALLY here! And as amazing as 2014 was, I am SO looking forward to 2015.

For the new year, I've chosen a word that will embody my year as a whole. It is tied to every goal I have set--physically, mentally, and spiritually. When I'm feeling like I am straying from my vision, this one word will help ground me and help me reevaluate my path to continue steering me in the right direction.

2015's Word of the Year:

I've got some big plans. Like I mentioned in my last post, some are measurable, quantitative goals. Others are not so much, but will better me as a person and lead me to a better quality of life.

In no particular order, here are my 2015 goals!

Find a Church home and attend weekly
I've already got my eyes set on a few local churches to check out. Ultimately I'd like to find a home that will allow us to grow in faith and love.

Date night with Denny twice a month
We are notoriously bad at date nights. We went out last Saturday, just the two of us, for the first time in MONTHS. I really want to stay connected to my husband on a higher level, so carving out this time for just the two of us is a big priority for me.

Go on vacation
Nothing huge, just a long weekend away with my little family.

Save $2,000
Admittedly, I have never been a saver. I have often struggled with this. Not this year.

Complete Insanity Max: 30
Oh, hey. Looks like I'm getting started on that goal on Monday.

Train for and run a 5k
I want to start running (eek!) in March, eventually building up enough stamina to run a 5k--namely The Color Run. Running has never EVER been my strong point, even when I was younger. I ran a six-minute mile once in high school gym class, but that was only because I wanted to GET IT OVER WITH. And then I wanted to die afterwards.

Start a resistance training workout
I don't think it's a secret that I don't really enjoy cardio, but loooove me some weights. After Insanity Max: 30, I'm going to do 21 Day Fix Extreme to begin incorporating some resistance training, and then I'm thinking of doing Body Beast. That'll put me into's nice to have my fitness programs scheduled through more than half the year!

Now through July!

Create a dedicated workout space in our garage
I am accumulating quite a bit of equipment, which has a tendency to clutter up my living room. I LOVE being able to work out from home, but I want to keep my living room from looking like a gym. If my sweet, darling husband is okay with it, I'd like to buy some thick floor mats, set up my equipment, and work out in the garage instead. We have a heater in there for the colder months, and it stays relatively cool in the summer, so it would be an ideal spot where me and all my stuff is out of the way.

And some business-related goals for 2015:

Help 100 people reach their goals
I want to be able to provide support for 100 people who want to change their lives through my challenge groups and boot camps. 100 people. I'm going to do it.

Pay for Christmas entirely with my Beachbody coaching earnings
I have a firm rule that nothing goes on credit for Christmas, and having that extra reliable income will make it even easier.

Diamond By December
Reaching Diamond as a coach means that I am helping others AND building a team of leaders who are also dedicated to helping others. By December I'd like to reach AT LEAST Diamond rank.


And a quick announcement!

If you are looking forward to jump-starting your fitness goals for the New Year, I'll be co-hosting a Challenge Group starting on January 19th!

You'll be in a closed, private Facebook group with other people who are all working toward the same goals. You'll get me as your Coach, motivating you and supporting you the whole way. We'll be doing the same workouts on the same day, and working together through the entire 60 days. We'll talk nutrition and share recipes. You'll be a part of an amazing community of strength and support.

Click Here to apply to this exclusive group. I'll be closing registration on January 10. Deadline to order is January 12, and I want to take the next seven days to get to know my challengers!