Happy New Year!
2015 is FINALLY here! And as amazing as 2014 was, I am SO looking forward to 2015.
For the new year, I've chosen a word that will embody my year as a whole. It is tied to every goal I have set--physically, mentally, and spiritually. When I'm feeling like I am straying from my vision, this one word will help ground me and help me reevaluate my path to continue steering me in the right direction.
2015's Word of the Year:
I've got some big plans. Like I mentioned in my last post, some are measurable, quantitative goals. Others are not so much, but will better me as a person and lead me to a better quality of life.
In no particular order, here are my 2015 goals!
Find a Church home and attend weekly
I've already got my eyes set on a few local churches to check out. Ultimately I'd like to find a home that will allow us to grow in faith and love.
Date night with Denny twice a month
We are notoriously bad at date nights. We went out last Saturday, just the two of us, for the first time in MONTHS. I really want to stay connected to my husband on a higher level, so carving out this time for just the two of us is a big priority for me.
Go on vacation
Nothing huge, just a long weekend away with my little family.
Save $2,000
Admittedly, I have never been a saver. I have often struggled with this. Not this year.
Complete Insanity Max: 30
Oh, hey. Looks like I'm getting started on that goal on Monday.
Train for and run a 5k
I want to start running (eek!) in March, eventually building up enough stamina to run a 5k--namely The Color Run. Running has never EVER been my strong point, even when I was younger. I ran a six-minute mile once in high school gym class, but that was only because I wanted to GET IT OVER WITH. And then I wanted to die afterwards.
Start a resistance training workout
I don't think it's a secret that I don't really enjoy cardio, but loooove me some weights. After Insanity Max: 30, I'm going to do 21 Day Fix Extreme to begin incorporating some resistance training, and then I'm thinking of doing Body Beast. That'll put me into July...it's nice to have my fitness programs scheduled through more than half the year!
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Now through July! |
Create a dedicated workout space in our garage
I am accumulating quite a bit of equipment, which has a tendency to clutter up my living room. I LOVE being able to work out from home, but I want to keep my living room from looking like a gym. If my sweet, darling husband is okay with it, I'd like to buy some thick floor mats, set up my equipment, and work out in the garage instead. We have a heater in there for the colder months, and it stays relatively cool in the summer, so it would be an ideal spot where me and all my stuff is out of the way.
And some business-related goals for 2015:
Help 100 people reach their goals
I want to be able to provide support for 100 people who want to change their lives through my challenge groups and boot camps. 100 people. I'm going to do it.
Pay for Christmas entirely with my Beachbody coaching earnings
I have a firm rule that nothing goes on credit for Christmas, and having that extra reliable income will make it even easier.
Diamond By December
Reaching Diamond as a coach means that I am helping others AND building a team of leaders who are also dedicated to helping others. By December I'd like to reach AT LEAST Diamond rank.
And a quick announcement!
If you are looking forward to jump-starting your fitness goals for the New Year, I'll be co-hosting a Challenge Group starting on January 19th!
You'll be in a closed, private Facebook group with other people who are all working toward the same goals. You'll get me as your Coach, motivating you and supporting you the whole way. We'll be doing the same workouts on the same day, and working together through the entire 60 days. We'll talk nutrition and share recipes. You'll be a part of an amazing community of strength and support.
Click Here to apply to this exclusive group. I'll be closing registration on January 10. Deadline to order is January 12, and I want to take the next seven days to get to know my challengers!
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