Friday, March 18, 2016

Coffee Date Friday {#3}

Happy Friday!

Who had a hard time adjusting to the time change this week? I am extra excited for the daylight added to the end of my day (more time for outdoor activities!), but the mornings have been ROUGH, ya'll. I brought Peyton downstairs Monday morning for breakfast before school and she was convinced that I had punked her and it was still night time and we could go back to bed. I wish, kiddo. I wish.

If we were having coffee this week...

...I'd tell you all about this kid. I can't gush enough about her, but I caught myself watching her on Wednesday morning just in awe of her little self and how gosh darn GROWN-UP she is getting. Tuesday night we snuggled up on the couch and read before bedtime and she wrapped her little arms around me and said, "Mama, I love you." And then I was puddle.

...I'd share with you that I restarted my Door to Door Organics deliveries, and ohhhhh how I've missed it! I love the convenience of having quality organic produce delivered to my house every week! My actual time in the grocery store has been reduced dramatically because I don't need to sift through the produce department as much anymore. Peyton LOVES going through the box as much as I do, and she is excited to see what we get every week. That's a small victory, friends. This week I got an artichoke and some beautiful red cabbage so I'm excited to use them for a few upcoming Whip It Up Wednesday features.

...I'd probably complain about my posture. It is terrible. I caught a glance of myself in a full-length mirror as I was walking by and OMGee! Hello, slumpy shoulders! (Mom, you were right to harp on me about my rounded shoulders when I was a teenager). So, I am trying to be more conscious of my posture throughout the day and adjusting as needed.  This link from Real Simple has been a big help.

...I'd give a running update: update as in I have not run at all this week (fail).I am in the middle of week 1 of 21 Day Fix and my legs have been alternating between jello and completely worthless. Lesson not neglect the weights for three months. I might have been asking Peyton to pick things up off the floor for me because my legs were outright rebelling.

My thoughts exactly.

Your turn! What's new?
Anyone else trying to actively correct their posture?
How was the Daylight Savings Time change for you?

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