Monday, April 4, 2016

April Goals

Woohoo, it's April! It's my birthday month, Spring is in full swing, and summer is not too far behind! April is always a happy month for me because I feel like the gloom and doom I feel all winter is finally lifted and there are always so many wonderful things to look forward to.

I've set some pretty fun goals this month as I continue to focus inward. But first, a look at how I did with my March goals:

Run 3x/week. Eh, not so much. My 25 mile goal was not even close to being met.

But hey! Still significantly better than my old track record...which was 0 miles.

Read my Bible every day. I'm going to give myself a 9/10 on this one. My time spent in the word is alwaaaaaays a guaranteed way to lift my spirits and center myself in truth. While I didn't necessarily journal my study every day, I would spend some time in my car during my lunch break with my handy dandy Bible app and read. I'd jot down scriptures that spoke to me. I'd pray over them. Bible study in your car is certainly not glamorous, but it doesn't have to be.

Do one thing for me each week. I did my nails one week. A fresh mani always helps. The Essie gel-look top coat is my new favorite thing ever, because it is so SHINY.

I also started reading "Wild in the Hollow" by Amber Haines. I haven't finished it yet, but it is so good. Looking forward to finishing it up by the end of April...just in time for the book club to start up again! My Kindle has never seen so much action.

Do one FUN thing with Peyton each week. This one was a success!

We took walks. We pulled out our coloring books and doodled. We dyed eggs for Easter. We snuggled. It was amazing, made me slow down, and allowed me to feel less like a total drag of a mom during the week. Being forced to slow down and be intentional made such a difference.

Blog newsletter. I'm still working on that. It is getting closer!

And now....

Be (nicely) selfish.

I'm not going to lie, I am probably going to be selfish this month. I am going to say no to things I don't want to do (that aren't necessary). I am going to be more closely in-tune with what I need or want--and act accordingly. I'm not going to rude about it--but I am going to be more intentional about stretching myself too thin and over-committing.

Run. For real this time.

And pair it with workouts I enjoy doing on non-run days--not what I feel like I need to be doing. I think I pooped out last month because I was trying to do. all. the. things. Running three times a week, trying to build up to a 5k when 0k was more my pace PLUS maintaining my normal workout schedule. The result? Everything imploded and I wound up taking two weeks off of everything because I just couldn't maintain it. This month I am going to focus on the running only, and on the days I feel like doing a little extra I am going to throw in some CIZE workouts. I loooove dancing, it makes me feel like a rockstar, and it doesn't even feel like work.

Get creative.

I used to be creative. I used to make things with my hands all the time. Jewelry. Things for the home. DIY art. I loved it. Time to get started again, except this time I want to step outside of my comfort zone exploring things I hadn't tried before. Each month for three months I am going to work on tackling different art forms I might not have considered before. Art for April? Hand-lettering!

Make counseling a priority.

I've been seeing a counselor since February. I'm fairly open about it with family and friends, but it's been such a huge blessing to me I am going to share more openly about my experience. For the last couple of months I've been rescheduling or cancelling appointments altogether, but this month I want to make those appointments a priority. I'm at the stage right now where I've acknowledged and dealt the the initial grief of my divorce, I'm accepting and recovering from what I've experienced in my marriage and all the yucky feelings associated with it, and now we are working more on me. I am really looking forward to breakthroughs and things to come!

So there you have it! I'd love to hear about your goals this month--feel free to drop them in the comments!

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