Friday, April 8, 2016

Coffee Date Friday {#4}

Happy Friday, friends!

I am over here breathing a big sigh of relief that it is FINALLY Friday! For a birthday week, it was the opposite of fun times--I have to admit. But that's okay because Friday is here and I could plant big wet kisses on both of its cheeks if Friday was a person.

Aaaaaanyway. That got awkward.

Onto Coffee Date Friday! This is the day I get to catch you up on all things fun and exciting in my life. I'd love to hear what's going on with you, too!

If we were on a Coffee Date...

...I'd be expressing my excitement over the fact that it is finally baseball season, baby! I love all things baseball and all things Philadelphia Phillies, so I am extra jazzed to be going to a game next Sunday! Nothing says Spring is here and Summer is around the corner quite like baseball on TV (almost) every day.

...I'd tell you all about my reading of "It Starts With Food".

I feel like everyone and their mom knows about the Whole 30 by now, but I've never really dug into the science-y stuff behind it. I picked up this book last week and I am almost done--which has spurred my decision to give my own Whole 30 a whirl. I've got some skin issues and digestive discomfort going on and I'm curious to see if REALLY cleaning up my diet will help. I eat fairly healthy now, but cutting out gluten and dairy might be the key. When is my Whole 30? I'm thinking maybe starting the last week of April so I can wrap it up before the Memorial Day Weekend festivities hit hard.

...I'd tell you all about my newest venture in physical fitness, which may or may not be totally cancelling out one of my April goals (already). I signed up for small group personal training for the month of April and I've been going 4x a week at (wait for it) 5 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and at 8 AM on Saturday. Waking up that early is so brutal and I haven't been able to walk right for a few days, but it is SO nice to switch up my workout routine for the month. Whether or not I decide to continue on with it after this month is up in the air as I'd have to make some serious room for it in my budget, but so far I am feeling pretty good! And a major bonus: it is so good for blowing off some stress-related steam that I seem to be carrying around constantly lately.

...I'd probably also complain about how I preordered by copy of Looking for Lovely: Collecting the Moments That Matter on March 21 via Amazon, the book was released on Tuesday....and I have to wait until next week for it to be delivered. This is what I get for choosing to not renew my Amazon Prime membership. This is Amazon karma, I know it.'s not too late to sign up for the Book Club! The book has been released, but we aren't reading and discussing until May. Order it now and join in with us on May 1 for discussion throughout the month plus physical and virtual meet-ups!

That's it out of me this week! You're turn:

  • Do you like baseball? What's your favorite sport?
  • How much do you love Amazon Prime? It's a lot, I know.

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