Thursday, April 7, 2016

To You, On Your 30th Birthday

Dear Me,

Happy birthday, beautiful! Today you turn 30.

I'm sorry your birthday isn't the big, glamorous shebang you thought it would be.

I'm also sorry that you sound like a totally selfish jerk because you expected a big, glamorous shebang.

I hope that when you reflect on this particular birthday, you are reminded of how many people love you and truly cherish you--instead of the only temporary hurt you are experiencing right now. I know the hurt seems profound and it's easy to dwell on that, but remember that this is fleeting. You know who is in your corner. You know the crazy amount of support and love behind you is everlasting.

10 years ago...did you ever think on your 30th birthday you'd wake up to a smiley almost-5 year old? No? Well, congrats, Mama--because you hit the offspring jackpot with that sassy little girl of yours. Remember that unconditional love. Tuck it away in your heart.

10 years ago...did you ever think you'd be capable of the things you are doing right now? No? Well, congrats, you--because you are doing them. You are pretty okay at adulting.

Other things I want you to remember:

FOMO is not a real thing.
Smile a little more during the tough times.
Take a deep breath. You've got this.
Persevere. God has something bigger.
Keep on keepin' on with that new mantra of self-love. Do things for you.
Do things for others, not out of necessity, but because it feels good to do good things.
Go buy that red lipstick already.

And above all else, keep your faith.

And keep your head up.

You are worthy. You are loved.

xoxo forever,


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