Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#Goaldigger Series Post #4: Staying Accountable

Welcome to my fourth and final post of the #goaldigger series! Over the last few weeks, I've be shared with you how I goalset, how to find (and keep) my motivation, how to stay on track, and how to hold yourself accountable. If you need to find previous posts in this series, they are linked at the bottom on this post. My life has changed BIG TIME since last March due to several of the ideas I have shared with you. I'm so excited to help you make 2015 the best year ever--cheers!

The hardest part about setting any goal is the staying on track part. I've shared a couple tips with you so far on how to dig deeper and find that underlying "WHY," and I've given you a few means of helping visualize your success via affirmations, meditation, and vision boards.

Here's where we get real: staying accountable.

This is where we start applying a little pressure, because let's face it...if you don't up the ante for yourself, you'll be less inclined to keep making the moves you need to in order to reach your goals.

I've got a few methods here that will help you hold you accountable--not only to yourself, but to others as well.

Journal the Journey
Create a progress journal as you work to reach your goals. Write it in daily, or at the very least weekly, and be absolutely honest with yourself. What have you done today that moved you closer to reaching your goal? If you are being honest and you notice you aren't doing much, you can re-evaluate to see where you can add in those tasks. Review your progress journal often. Even if you are making small strides towards a goal, you are still moving in the right direction. Logging this process will not only give you proof that you are progressing, but it will allow you to figure out what's working and what isn't.

Tell Your Spouse, Your Parents, Your Kids, Your Best Friend, etc.
Tell someone you are close with about your goal. But don't just tell them, "I set a goal to...." Tell them, "I am GOING to..." Own it. It's yours. You can ask them to check in on you every once in a while and you can report back on how well (or not well) you've been doing. Or, at the very least, if they notice you haven't reached your goal after a certain period of time, they'll ask and remind you that you are working toward something greater. After all, you don't want to let down family or friends!

Find a Success Partner
Find someone who has the same (or similar goal). Promise each other you'll reach those goals together, and then stay in contact with each other to report on how you are progressing. Daily or every other day is best, especially if you are working with a Success Partner through Facebook or another form of social media. For example, if you set a goal to get your workout done by 6:00 AM each day, set up a Face Time call for 6:05. Your partner will know if you've gotten that workout done or not, because you had better be sweating!

Join an Accountability Group
These are my favorite, because I LOVE a party. You might have heard me refer to these groups as "challenge groups". They are one in the same, really. Need some help reach that goal and enjoy working through the process together? Need support, or want to be someone else's cheerleader? Then an accountability group is for you. Daily check-ins are best in this format, because of the number of people involved. You don't want to get lost in the mix!

February is a kicking month for me regarding challenge/accountability groups. I am on my last week of my 14-day Clean Eating Challenge Group. I am kicking off a FREE Guns, Buns, and Abs 30-day Challenge Group on February 9, and for anyone looking to kick it up a notch and see results FAST, my exclusive 60-day Challenge Group for 21 Day Fix Extreme starts February 16!

If you are interested in the free 30-day challenge, let me know and I'll get you set up in the group! The 60-day challenge group starting February 16 requires an application. Please click here to apply.

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