Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rename Your Resolutions: GOALS

Resolutions. It's about that time, right?

I used to hate resolutions. I could never keep them. That is, I could never keep them until I made a conscious decision to rename my resolutions. They were no longer empty promises I made to myself. Now I call them "goals" and it makes them way more fun to attain. 

A goal is tangible. 
A goal is something you create for yourself that is reachable.
A goal gives you a feeling of accomplishment and pride once you've reached it.

Resolutions? Meh. To most, they are empty promises.

It's kind of crazy to think that a year ago I was in Disney World with my family, almost 30 pounds heavier than I am right now, and while I was in the happiest place on earth with people I loved...I was suffering. I couldn't keep up with my daughter. My body ached from carrying around that extra weight. My legs chafed so badly that they bled. I suffered from belly pain, bloating, and discomfort the majority of the time we were there.

The photo on the left is me on the day we were in Magic Kingdom, almost a year ago to the day. Looking back at this, I so feel a tiny sense of embarrassment. How could I allow myself to get THAT out of shape? I am 28 years old! 

I came home on January 2 and promised that I wouldn't allow this for myself anymore. If I wasn't doing it for me, I needed to do it for my family. I set a goal to get healthier, not just for me, but for my daughter and husband.

I immediately started reading up on clean eating and started implementing it into my daily life. Little by little, step by step, I changed my eating habits. 

And then came my game changer. I had been watching infomercials for Focus: T25 and thought to myself: "You want this bad enough...you can do that." I convinced Denny to buy it for me for an early birthday present, and when my package came I tiptoed around it like it was a time bomb. It was scary. It was a commitment. I knew it was going to push me in ways I hadn't been pushed before.

I started the program on March 17 at 5:00 in the morning in my living room. I huffed and puffed, and thought about quitting, but the fact that I wasn't doing this for just me pushed me through. I finished all 70 days. One workout at a time, one day at a time. I kept pushing play. In the end I had lost 12 pounds and 17 inches (SEVENTEEN!). My T25 after photo is on the right up there.

Since then, I've done PiYo, 21 Day Fix (2x), Les Mills Combat, and next up for me is Insanity Max: 30. 

I've lost 28 pounds since January 2014. 

And while I'm not at my goal weight and the loss I did see this year happened verrrrry slowly, I thank God every day I came home from Florida, set that goal for myself, and pushed harder to make it a reality. I didn't set out in January and said "I want to weigh xxx by December." I simply told myself "I am setting a goal to get healthier." And then I took the baby steps to get there.

This year, though, my goals are little more descriptive. I've put some concrete target numbers on my goal list. I will be sharing them in the next post, but I'm also excited to announce that the month of January I will be doing a goal-setting series! Once a week I will post on goal-setting, including: staying on track, finding and keeping motivation, how to work through goals, and visualizing success.

I want to help so many people feel this sense of accomplishment and pride. I hope you'll join me in 2015.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Excuses, Excuses--Overcoming Internal Struggle


We all make them. I'm guilty, I won't lie.

That pestering little voice in your head, talking you down when you've set a goal. Telling you a million reasons why you shouldn't, why you can't, and why it's better NOT to.

Excuses rear their ugly little heads when you're down and out, and they KEEP you down. They aren't rational; they just call out whatever is in your subconscious to keep you from reaching that goal.

I've made PLENTY of excuses in the past. And now I choose to fight against them. Wanna know why?

Because I am bigger than my excuses.

I can't prove those excuses wrong.

I see them as a personal challenge to better myself, even when I give myself every reason not to.

You can too; you just need to recognize when an excuse is an excuse, be the reasonable one between you and the voice in your head, and overcome.

Let's talk some pretty popular excuses I've heard, and work around them. There are always SOLUTIONS to your excuses if you look hard enough.

I don't have time.

You do have time, you just aren't seeing it. How much time do you spend watching TV each day? Scrolling aimlessly on your phone? Playing around on the computer? I bet it's at least an hour. AT LEAST.

What if you took even a fraction of that time, and did something active instead? Some push-ups, jumping jacks, squats,,,ANYTHING! Get your blood moving and your heart pumping.

If it's important, you'll find a way to squeeze it in. Wake up a little earlier, go to bed a little later, have a spouse or significant other help you with the kids while you fit in a quick workout.

Personally, I keep my at-home workouts to no more than 45 minutes. My husband takes care of bedtime rituals with Peyton so I can get it done. He understands that it's important to me, so he helps me make sure I can fit it in every day. I am out of the house 10 hours a day for work, come home, make dinner, spend time with my daughter, take care of household chores, and STILL get it done. Why? Because it's important to me. I know that being a healthy mom will benefit my family overall in the long run.

Oh, and PS: I still get about seven hours of sleep a night.

I don't have money to join a gym/I don't like the gym.

Gyms can be expensive. I speak firsthand...I once spent $600 in a year on a gym membership I took advantage of three times. That's $200 per visit...talk about the most expensive gym membership ever! I KNOW how expensive gym memberships can be, but I also know that it's how you USE that membership that'll give you results.

If the gym isn't your thing, you can work out at home. I thank my lucky stars every day I found Beachbody, because it saved me from the gym. I literally have zero excuses now, because my gym is my living room. No driving to the gym, no trying to find parking, no wandering around trying to figure out what to do first. Nope, it's all there for me. I just have to get changed and push play.

I'm too tired.

This was a big excuse of mine. I do so much already, how could I possibly fit in ONE MORE THING?! It was just another THING I had to do. I was exhausted as it was, and the thought of exercising literally made me just want to crawl into my bed and sleep.

I did it anyway. At least a half an hour a day. And guess what? This new habit of mine had the opposite effect on me. I had MORE energy. I didn't have that 2 PM slump. I cut out a several-cup of coffee a day habit. I slept better. It was amazing.

You aren't too tired. Just a half a hour. In your living room. You can shower and go to sleep afterwards; your bed isn't going anywhere...I promise.

I don't enjoy exercise.

There are some people who LOVE exercise. Quite frankly, I still find it a bit of a struggle because sometimes I DON'T find exercise enjoyable.

Cardio? It's not my favorite. But I know it's important, and I have to get it done.
Resistance training? Better. But I know I need balance.

What I do is I try to do the things I don't like to do 2-3 times a week, and reward myself with the types of exercise I enjoy doing. You'll find the things you enjoy doing, and it makes creating balance easier.

The funny thing is, you'll start craving physical activity regardless. Some days I crave a butt-kicking from Shaun T...the king of cardio. Sometimes I just need to sweat it out until I'm a huffy, puffy mess.

I don't need to work out--I already eat well.

Wrong, wrong, aaaaand wrong. Think of it as an equation. Losing weight and getting healthy is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Yes, eating well does make all the difference, but to get amazing results, you need both parts of the equation. You can't out-exercise a bad diet, and you can't expect amazing results simply from eating better. Having both in your life will get you where you want to be.

Long story short--write down all your excuses. Come up with a plan to beat them, show them who's boss, and get it done!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Insanity Max: 30 is HERE!

This is a BIG, BIG week, guys!

I've been waiting verrrrry patiently for INSANITY MAX: 30 to release since I found out about it earlier in the Fall. I am a Focus T25 grad, saw amazing results (17 inches lost, say whaaat?!), and my goal was always to challenge myself with Insanity. However, the length of the daily workouts--anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour--was going to be a struggle to incorporate into my daily schedule.

And then the heavens parted and the angels sang and the powers that be at Beachbody and my hero Shaun T gave me the gift of MAX:30.


What is INSANITY MAX: 30? 

On Monday, I got to listen in on an exclusive call for Team Beachbody Coaches and had the opportunity to listen to Shaun T himself talk about INSANITY MAX: 30. Here's what I've learned:

Each workout is 30 minutes. That's it.

12 workouts, 100+ new moves, cardio and tabata-style workouts. No equipment; no weights. Just you and your willingness to go all out.

You are actually ENCOURAGED to Max Out (otherwise known as "Give it your all until you can't possibly go any further"). This is how you track your progress. Go HARD and INTENSE for as long as you can, take that break when you need it, and then jump right back in to the finish. Log your Max Out time and track your progression through the 60 days.

There are modifiers. And it's not a crime or something to be ashamed of if you need to modify. That is something that distinctly struck a chord with me that Shaun T mentioned during the call. Sometimes, people feel that if they need to use the modifier, they aren't going all in. With INSANITY MAX: 30, you'll STILL get results even if you need some low-impact modifications. AND, for the first time, you have the option to have the modifier visible to you at all times.

Who is INSANITY MAX: 30 For?

This program is for anyone who is willing to push themselves, go all in, and get the best results ever. Remember, you aren't SUPPOSED to get through the full 30 minutes without stopping. You do not have to be a machine. You go as long as you can, as hard as you can until you just can't, take a break, and keep going. The modifier is there for you if you need a low-impact version of the moves. 

Basically, if you've got the will to do it, you can do it.

I'm in. How Do I Get Started?

I'll be starting a test group of my own on January 19th! What a way to kick off 2015!

You'll be in a closed, private Facebook group with other people who are all working toward the same goals. You'll get me as your Coach, motivating you and supporting you the whole way. We'll be doing the same workouts on the same day, and working together through the entire 60 days. We'll talk nutrition and share recipes. You'll be a part of an amazing community of strength and support.

Click Here to apply to this exclusive group. I'll be closing registration by January 5 since I want to take the time to get to know each of my challengers personally, and the commitment deadline to purchase your challenge pack is January 12.

So excited to take this journey with you!

Oh, have you met our new home invader elf, Sparkle? She's the best.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

21 Day Fix Recap

How was everyone's holiday? Mine was awesome, followed up by a full day of shopping yesterday. I am not much of a Black Friday shopper, but sometimes you just go with the flow. Got some great deals, and now I am prepping to put up my Christmas decorations and officially getting into the holiday spirit.

I know I promised before and after photos on Friday, but the hustle and bustle got the best of me and I slacked off yesterday! So here is my recap, in all it's glory.

First up, some thoughts on the program:

I LOVE IT. I never felt hungry during the 21 days, and the workouts are short enough that there is no excuse to not get them in each day, but you'll be feeling it the next day. However, if your eating is already impeccable, the container system will probably be more of an annoyance than anything. The workouts are fantastic, but I would say this is a program for people who are just starting out or need to get back on the wagon big time. For me, I used it keep myself focused on the goal. I knew that using the containers and following the meal plan to a T would bring me results.

As for the 3 Day Quick Fix--sorry to say, I made it through one day and decided to stop. I'll be honest. I guess maybe picking the final three days before the holiday was not my best idea, because I turned into a frazzled, stressed out bear of a woman after only one day.

But that leads me to my next point: my results.

Even after not following the 3 Day Quick Fix, I still managed to lose 9.2 pounds. Yes, maybe doing the 3 Day Quick Fix would have landed me squarely at 10 pounds lost (and probably more), but I am VERY happy with these results!

I lost a total of 4.5 inches, including 2 inches off my waist.

I am officially into the 180's again...a number I haven't seen since before I had Peyton (3+ years ago!). I went dress shopping on Wednesday night for my dad's wedding in a couple weeks, and was SHOCKED when I realized I went down another full dress size! I am now two sizes away from my pre-pregnancy dress size and I am closer than EVER!

And now to get really vulnerable: the photos.

I'll admit that posting photos of my belly makes me SUPER insecure. My stomach hasn't seen the sun since 2010, it's stretched out and honestly, it's the part of my body that, sometimes, I am most sensitive about. But I am choosing to show these pictures because I am a MOTHER. Our bodies are perfect in the sense that we carried a child for 9 months and then brought them into the world ourselves. They're my tiger stripes. I earned them.

Oh hey, did I mention I have little baby biceps now? ;) Flexing is my new favorite!

So, what's next?

I'll be doing another round of 21 Day Fix starting on December 1. Then I'll give myself a couple weeks to rest (but not go crazy!), following no particular program, but making sure I am doing SOMETHING each day.

And then, in January:

I have always wanted to do Insanity. Always. But, I know the length of the workouts is intimidating to me, and the truth is--I really don't like cardio. But, a new program with 30 minute workouts that INVITES you to hit your limit, since that's how to measure progress? Sounds like a plan to me. Several coaches have been invited to complete a test group of this program before it releases on December 2, and even their 30 day results are crazy! I'll be creating a challenge group in January for this program, so if you want to have crazy results by March, let's chat!

Have a great weekend, all!

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Thanksgiving Game Plan: Tips on How to Not Undo All Your Hard Work

Here we are: it's Thanksgiving week! Thanksgiving week means the last few days of the 21 Day Fix! I am halfway through a week of double workouts and starting the 3 Day Quick Fix today. I'll share the before and after photo after finishing the 3 Day Quick Fix and explain it more on Friday, but let's put it this way...there is a LOT of grilled chicken, tilapia, and steamed veggies being eaten in the next three days.

I've been putting a lot of thought into Thanksgiving, namely all the food that comes with the holiday. Part of me seriously wants to pig out all day because I've been working hard for the last three weeks and it would be the ultimate cheat, but another part of me doesn't want to set the trend of having an entire cheat DAY. I could see myself getting derailed fast and I don't want to undo all that discipline and hard work I've been putting in.

So, I put together a game plan for myself to enjoy the holiday, but not stuff myself like a turkey.

First thing's first:
I'm going to wake up and WORK OUT. I am going to set my intention for the day and get started on the right foot. Not 100% sure which work out I'll do since 21 Day Fix will be officially over, but I've got a pretty solid collection of workouts and I think I might be spending the morning with Shaun T getting in some T25.

Shakeology for breakfast:
Not only will this fill me up, but it helps reduce my cravings for sweets. Again, I'm starting my day on the right foot, not to mention the fact that there is no Shakeology involved in the 3 Day Quick Fix and I'll be missing it :)

Stay hydrated:
If you're feeling hungry, you might really just be thirsty. I'll be sure to drink my 100 oz. of water that I drink daily throughout the day, including before each meal.

Moderation, moderation, moderation:
Can I just tell you that I love carbs? I could honestly eat an entire plate of stuffing and mashed potatoes and call it a day. But I won't--instead I will practice a serious case of moderation, keep my container sizes in mind, and ENJOY the meal. I will take my time, chew, and savor each bite. Food is good, yes, but I need to remember I am also fueling my body. I don't want to eat until I feel sick and sluggish. I've done that before, and it's never fun.

Prepare, prepare, prepare:
We have several stops to make on Thanksgiving Day. I have already told myself that dinner is my "cheat meal," but what about all those other stops? I will be sure to eat a small, healthy meal before I leave. This way I won't be starving when I show up and I'll be less likely to go overboard with my food choices. Another tip is to offer to bring a dish--and make it a healthy one. That way at least you'll know that there is an option that is healthy.

Don't drink my calories:
Wine and alcoholic beverages are plenty on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, those drinks also carry a lot of added sugar and calories. I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat my calories than drink them! I've set a three, reasonably-sized, drink maximum for the entire day and will be sure to drink lots of water in between.

One big splurge:
Let's face it; I'm having some pumpkin pie. But only one slice. A small slice. No extra fixings.

Long story short, I am going to ENJOY my holiday, yes, but I am NOT going to derail all this hard work! I am determined to get that head start on everyone else when it comes to New Years resolutions and it starts now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fighting Holiday Stress

It's the most wonderful time of the year, right?

Right...except the holiday season drives me bonkers sometimes. This year started to feel like no exception. My calendar has filled up pretty darn quickly, and I'm trying to fight that feeling that the walls (of the halls that are decked with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la) are closing in.

We're running out of time!
Thanksgiving is next week!
Christmas decorations go up the weekend after Thanksgiving!
And then there are FOUR more weekends until Christmas.

And I haven't started shopping yet. Yikes.

This year I have resolved that I WILL NOT fall victim to holiday-induced hysteria and panic. No sir, not this year. Not me! I am going to be full of holiday cheer and NO STRESS.

"How?" You might be asking. Holiday stress and frenzy is INESCAPABLE.

I put together a game plan to get me through the next month and a half. I'm hoping that by putting these things in place now, I won't become a bucket of nerves and yuck by December 20.

Wanna see the game plan? Here it is:

Is it obvious by now that I am very much a planner? I am going to sit down within the next week, map out the next six weeks, and put it on paper so it's visible. Stick it on the fridge, so I can see it every day. This includes any special holiday parties and festivities and the actual holidays themselves. Every year it's a struggle on decided with whose family to celebrate the holidays, so I am setting it in stone now. The sooner I figure this out, the less stressed I will feel. This will be my plan. I am committing to this plan. I will try to not deviate from this plan. If something doesn't jive with my plans, I am setting the standard with myself that it's okay to say "No."

That's right. I'm scheduling days, nights, whatever, for dedicated down time. This will be time to relax, listen to some Christmas music, take a nap, read a book...whatever I feel like doing. Recharge. Make it a point to get a good night's sleep at least three times a week. No one likes a sleep-deprived Scrooge.

This is probably something I should have done, oh I don't know, WEEKS AGO. But I guess late is better than never, right? Money is something I stress over every holiday season. There is just not enough of it to go around. There are gifts to buy, parties to attend, fun holiday-themed things to do. My wallet feels it. I am going to write out every single thing I have scheduled, write out my list of people to shop for, and set a budget--per event and per person. And I will not waiver from said budget.

This one is going to be tough, but maintaining some sort of sense of normalcy is key to keeping my sanity intact. Especially with little ones, sacrificing routine to fit in ALL THE THINGS is bound to end up a not-so-pleasant experience for all involved. And as much as Peyton needs routine, I do too. This includes my daily workouts. When life starts to feel a little chaotic, I know having some sort of consistency will help anchor me.

And most importantly:

Remember the reasons behind this time of the year. This is a time for family, making memories, and tradition. Whatever holidays you are celebrating this year, don't lose sight of their true meanings and ground yourself in those meanings. It helps keep the crazy at bay ;)

Am I the only one who has a tendency to go off the deep end when it comes to holiday mania?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Eggplant Pizza & Monday 21 Day Fix Recap

Happy Monday!

Here's a quick Monday check-in: pants are still looser. Pilates as an active recovery day yesterday felt more like an actual recovery day instead of another workout, which was glorious. I saw a bicep the other day. My shoulders are looking fantastic. The muffin top is shrinking, and last night I had a dream that I actually had a six-pack. I don't really, but it was nice to dream about what's possible!

Cardio Fix is on the roster for today's workout which is admittedly not my fave, and with a full day of work and a PTO meeting in the evening, it would be too easy to brush it off because: "I'm busy." "I'm tired." "It's too late." But I made the conscious decision to never miss a day, so after my meeting I will crank out that workout and get it behind me.

I got quite a bit of meal prep done for the week yesterday morning. Meal prep AND my workout all done before 10 AM on a Sunday. I feel like that's a new record.

I made these yummy eggplant pizzas and I'm so pumped I remembered to take pictures because I get to share this recipe with you today! This is a great low-carb option when you're craving pizza. I don't usually measure ingredients for this particular recipe; I just eyeball it so I know it will fit in with my container allotment for the day. Feel free to change it up to fit your needs.

This is a meat-free recipe, but you can totally add protein by pairing these pizzas up with a couple homemade turkey meatballs.

Eggplant Pizza
21 Day Fix Containers Represented: Green, Purple, Blue, 1 tsp.

1 eggplant, sliced into 1/4 inch slices
Olive oil, for drizzling
Spinach, wilted (I use a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan with minced garlic and it's delish!)
Tomato Sauce (make your own or buy in the store, but read the labels! Watch for extra added sugar and preservatives.)
Mozzarella Cheese
Seasonings (I used sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, basil, crushed red pepper)

Preheat oven to 375 F.

1. Take your eggplant slices, lay them on a paper towel, sprinkle with salt, and let them sit on the paper towel for about 20 minutes. The salt will draw out excess moisture in the eggplant. After 20 minutes, wipe off the extra salt and transfer to a baking sheet.

2. Drizzle each slice of eggplant with a little olive oil, and sprinkle some sea salt and pepper over each slice. Sprinkle garlic powder and onion powder on each slice. Roast in the oven for about 20 minutes. Keep an eye on those slices. You don't want mushy eggplant!

3. Remove the eggplant from the oven. Top with your choice of toppings. I used some cooked spinach to add the extra veggie factor, then I top with sauce, basil, oregano, and crushed red pepper, and then with cheese.

Food blogger I am not. iPhone 5 photos will have to do.
4. Broil in your oven until cheese is melted and bubbly. This will only take a couple minutes, so watch out! I let mine go a little too long and well--my cheese came out a little well done.

This would be a great meal to incorporate into your meal plan for Meatless Mondays--or like I said above, any time you have a hankering for pizza, but not for the guilt.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Non-Scale Victories...and Why the Scale is Sometimes Not My Friend

Three days into Week 2 of 21 Day Fix.

I haven't stepped on the scale yet. Do you want to know why? I mean, it seems silly that I set this goal to lose 10 pounds and it only makes sense that I would want to check my progress.

I'll tell you why: because sometimes, the scale is not my friend.

Sometimes, it's too easy to get wrapped up in the number you see when you step on the scale. I have fallen victim to a wicked case of the sads when the number I see isn't moving as quickly in the direction I want it to, or even worse--moving in the wrong direction completely.

This was a HUGE issue for me when I started Focus: T25 back in March. I was recording my stats every week, and after Week 1 I had actually GAINED two pounds. Say what?! I was a little bummed for a minute, but I pushed on and soon I noticed other things that were happening to my body:

I had lost four inches in one week.
I felt stronger.
I was sleeping better.
I had more overall energy.
People were noticing changes in my physical appearance.
My jeans were fitting better.
I could keep up with my VERY active two-year old.

That, friends, is the beauty of the non-scale victory.

So, while I haven't stepped on the scale yet, I have noticed the following:

I can increase the amount of reps I complete in each phase of each workout.
I can push myself harder than I did last week.
I have been sleeping like a BABY at night.
I don't feel as sluggish during the day.
Making healthier decisions is easier because I know I am fueling my body to reach my goals.
Last night my husband noticed my jeans are getting baggy.

So here I am, making myself a promise that I am NOT stepping on the scale until the morning of November 27, but instead I am going to relish each success I encounter throughout the next week and a half.

The scale is not a measure of your success; YOU are.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

On the Importance of Doing Things for YOU

This one is dedicated to all you mamas out there.

Yes, you.

Stop hiding; I see you.

You're the tired mama with the wrinkled shirt and the bags under your eyes. 

The mama who drove all the way home from preschool drop-off only to find that the lunchbox was sitting on your passenger seat so you had to drive all the way back to school to drop it off.

The mama who pulls it together every day, from dropping the kids off at daycare, working eight hours, picking the kids up from daycare, driving home, making dinner, getting the kids ready for bed, and then collapsing in a heap of exhaustion.

The mama who stays home with her kids all day, is lucky to get a shower, or you'd even be grateful for five uninterrupted minutes in the bathroom; juggling juice cups, laundry, and making sure your house doesn't burn down.

I see you. I am you.

We know being a mother is an amazing ride. We are superheroes, whether you work outside the home, stay at home, or work at home.

Becoming a mother was the singlehandedly most transformative thing that could have ever happened to me. It completely changed me as a human being in ways I could not have dreamed in a million years. I am eternally grateful to that sweet little girl who came into our lives and won our hearts the second we knew she existed. She allowed me to find my true calling and learn I was good at things I had never tried (baking? crafts? cleaning? Crazy.).

I'm sure all you mamas agree.

But I have found myself getting sucked into the routine of the every day. You know what it is. You wake up and you are instantaneously on autopilot. And then it's bedtime and you don't know where your day went, but you know that your family is okay and that's all that matters. And in the long run, that really IS all that matters. You have what is most important to you, and they are safe and sound.

But about YOU? In the chaos of autopilot, you have forgotten that you are a person, too. You get lost in "mommy mode," and sometimes it's hard to find your way out.

Back in January, I made the decision to do something for myself, and that's what brings me here today. I have taken my health and fitness into my own hands, have decided to help other moms and women make that same decision, and that is something that is not only making ME feel better, but it is having an amazing impact on my family. We eat better. We do things outside more often. My daughter is my "burpee buddy" (no one better tell me that three year old burpees aren't the cutest thing in the whole wide world). I know I am setting an example for Peyton, because she knows that fruits and veggies will make her big and strong.

In the long run, though, this is something that I do for myself. It is my "me time," and I think ALL mamas should make it a point to get in that me time. During that hour that I am working out each day, I am present with my own thoughts. I am present with myself. I am rediscovering and reconnecting that woman buried behind the dirty laundry, full dishwasher, and runny noses. I am all the more happier for it.

And you know what they say...happy mama, happy life ;)

I understand that it is HARD to somehow fit in that hour, but I really think every single mama, or hell, every single WOMAN, should do something every day that is especially for them. We are selfless, ladies, but there is nothing wrong with taking some time for YOURself.

Wanna know how? I have some suggestions. I am certainly no pro, but here are some ideas I've brainstormed. The beauty of it is you can find what your passion is and go with it!

Schedule a time for mani/pedi. Or, lock your bedroom door, turn on some music, and give yourself that mani/pedi.

Take a walk. Just you, yourself, and your head. Or maybe some music. And no, not the greatest hits of Disney Junior in your iTunes playlist, either.

Go the library. Check out a book. And READ IT.

Wake up a little earlier than usual. Sit in the silence with your favorite coffee or tea. (This is one of my favorites!)

On the flip side, go to bed an hour earlier, if you can. Get that extra hour of sleep. Set your DVR; "Scandal" will be there when you wake up.

Take a bath. Light some candles.

Like crafting? Make a new piece of home decor, scrapbook, or crochet or knit yourself a new scarf.

And my personal favorite: work out. Join a gym, go to spin class, go for a run, find an at-home program you can do. Get active! Burn off some stress, release some tension, and get healthy while you're at it. If you are interested in workouts that you can do from your living room, by all means give me a shout!

Let's get real, mamas. We make everyone else a priority. I'm not saying to make yourself the priority ALL the time, but a hour a day isn't so bad, right? 

Find yourself again. Rediscover that woman. You are supermom. You are superwoman.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

21 Day Fix: Almost Through Week One!

My apologies for missing my Monday post! We are running running running every weekend, and with the holidays coming up it feels like we are booked solid for the rest of the year. I love this time of the year, but it is a crazy reminder that there aren't many weeks left in the year to cram in all of the fun stuff we plan.

But here I am, with one day left in Week One of this round of 21 Day Fix. Yoga is tomorrow, and I will not lie...my body is CRAVING some yoga. I definitely worked hard this last week, but I can't believe I am already feeling a million times better, my energy is coming back, and I am already seeing changes in my body. It's so crazy how effective this program is if you follow it as written.

Here's a quick rundown of the workouts I've done so far and my opinion of them. The workouts are 30 minutes each, broken into rounds with exercises that you do for 60 seconds:

Total Body Cardio: cardio, but with weights, targeting quite a few muscle groups. Not a fan of cardio, but I love weights and this is a crazy challenging workout that had me walking funny for the better part of a week. Love that soreness. It was a nice "Day-One-Hi-How-Ya-Doing-I'm-Gonna-Kick-Your-Booty" sort of introduction.

Upper Fix: lots of moves that tone and strengthen your arms and shoulders. Love resistance training, and this definitely pushed me to get that burn. Spaghetti arms when I was done.

Lower Fix: still walking funny from Total Body Cardio, but I pushed through this one. Lots of lunges and squats. I am one of those weirdos that actually enjoys leg day, and this was a great workout.

Pilates Fix: DEFINITELY not one of those workouts where you say, "Ehhh, this'll be an easy one." NOPE. Planks, lots of ab work, lots of booty work. So much burn.

Cardio Fix: I am not a fan of cardio. Never have been. But I will say that knowing each set is only 60 seconds makes that light at the end of the tunnel seem so much closer. You can do anything for 60 seconds, right? Right.

Dirty 30: by far my favorite. This workout hits everything. Give me weights and I am a happy girl.

And like I said above, tomorrow is yoga. I am going to eat that up.

My DVDs also came with a bonus workout - 10 Minute Fix for Abs which is included on the disks, and Plyo Fix, which is a separate bonus disk and is, well, a plyometric workout. I am not a fan of plyo, but am interested to incorporate those two bonus workouts during Week Two.

I love love love Autumn Calabrese as a trainer. She doesn't seem too frou-frou, she comes across as totally real in the videos, and she is super motivating. When she encourages you to push and not give up during those last 20 seconds...you don't. Because you believe her encouragement.

As for my meal plan, I find it much easier to stay on point during the weekdays, but not because I go off the deep end during the weekends with my eating. My weekdays are much more structured and strict, and I know at what points in my day I eat. It's the same every day. And I like that. During the weekend, we are constantly on the go, so remembering to eat is key. Luckily I have my meal plan saved on my phone, so even when we are out and about I was able to reference it to plan accordingly. I might not have followed the plan as written to a T, but was able to reference how many containers I had left for the day and went with that. 

And for real you guys, I get to eat a LOT of food.

With all that said, when I eat well, I eat well, so I don't know if this is a sustainable way of eating for me with the containers and all. HOWEVERRRR, if your eating habits and portion control knowledge are just so-so, then using the containers will work BIG TIME. I am using them now because I know I need to be strict on myself because the month-long binge and workout-free time I just came off of did me absolutely no favors. Love the workouts, and will use the containers and meal plan when I know I need to buckle down and get super serious.

All in all I am feeling great. I am challenged every day by the workouts, know how and where I can improve, feel super energized, and feel good knowing that I am eating whole foods that can fuel me through the day.

Looking back at my goals, I did manage to meet almost all of them, except for one. That no alcoholic beverages rule. With the 21 Day Fix, the meal plan allows wine as a treat in moderation. Except I had a few beers on Sunday night at a birthday party. That is NOT Fix-approved. My eating was on point, but the beers brought me down. And it's funny, because even though I only had two drinks I still woke up on Monday morning feeling crappy and puffy. 

So as I come up on Week Two, my goals remain the same as Week One, except I am sticking to that no alcohol rule. I would also like to incorporate 10 Minute Fix for Abs into my week twice and Plyo Fix once, essentially doubling up on my workouts at least three times in Week Two.

High fives for yoga tomorrow!

Friday, November 7, 2014

And We're Off...Planning & Goal Setting

Welp, yesterday was my first workout for the next 21 Days.

Total Body Cardio Fix. Yikes. Nothing like a brutal reminder you've been slacking big time when you're pushing yourself to finish after only 30 seconds of a 60 second set. And repeat for 30 minutes.

No bueno, self. Quit slipping.

I am going to check in on Monday with a recap of the first few workouts. In the meantime, let's talk planning and goal-setting.

I spent the better part of the last four days planning out the next three weeks, even down to meals and snacks. Obsessive, maybe, but it's the easiest way for me to stay on track. No flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants dinner decisions because I didn't have anything thawed or prepped. No second guessing or short-changing myself on my workout because something else came up. This is how I keep myself on track and eliminate excuses. I am a neurotic planner.

I am keeping my meals simple this time around. Using the color-coded, containers that comes with the program breaks everything down so easily and allows you to visualize what proper portions are:

I learned the hard way I am using WAY too much of my beloved peanut butter.

Based on your weight, you calculate your calorie intake required for the program, subtract your deficit, and a handy little chart in the meal plan guide tells you how many of each container you can fill a day.

Here's my container count:
Red - 4
Green - 4
Purple - 3
Yellow - 3
Blue - 1
Orange - 1
4 tbsp.
The next step is figuring out how you are going to fit in your containers each day. Remember, this is not a suggestion. Follow the plan to a T and you will see results. If you're only allowed two yellow containers and you blow through them both by 3 PM, well--you should probably skip the potatoes or brown rice at dinner.

Here is how I am going to fit in my containers throughout the week. This accounts for my Shakeology, all meals, and snacks. That's a LOT of food!:

Hungry? Never.
Now I have literally no excuses. There it is, exactly what I'm eating every single day for seven days.

I've also listed my workout for each day on my meal plan. Seeing both of these commitments together in one place ties them together in my head. They complement each other. Without one, the other is not as effective.

Another thing tying into this entire process are my goals. I've already stated that I want to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving and beat this horrible bloat, but I've set mini-milestone goals to reach daily and weekly as well:

Wake up at 5:00 AM every morning. 
Do some personal development, goal setting activities, and reflect during 5:00-6:00 AM.
Eat clean 100% of the time, INCLUDING weekends.
No alcoholic beverages until Turkey Day.
Work out between 8:00-9:00 PM. No excuses.
Get at least seven hours of sleep every night.
Drink 100 oz. of water every day.

This level of planning may be intimidating to some, but when I am trying to structure fitness and nutrition into my already crazy busy day, this type of scheduling makes it foolproof. At one glance, I know exactly what I am eating every single day for every single meal, along with the workout I'll be doing as well. This will get hung on the fridge for easy reference throughout the week.

Anyone else a big meal planner?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Overcoming Excuses & How I Make Fitness Work for Me

I don't have a lot of free time. There, I've said it.

I'm first and foremost a mom and a wife. That keeps me pretty occupied.

I am away from the house 10 hours a day for the day job, including commuting time. That takes up the majority of my day.

I am left with 14 hours every day, seven or eight of which I'd like to get some sleep.

So, six hours. That's what I have to work with.

How do I fit it all in? I carve out chunks of time with dedicated activities.

5:00-6:00 AM - my quiet hour. My only perfectly quiet, uninterrupted time of the day to do whatever it is I want to do, coffee in hand. If I hit the snooze button and decide to sleep in, that's my fault for losing out. This is my "sacred time."

10 hour workday, including commute. That's a given every day.

5:30-7:00 PM - time for family: spending quality time with Peyton, preparing dinner, and eating together as a family. That's a non-negotiable.

7:00-8:00 PM - I squeeze in a quick workout while Denny gets Peyton ready for bed.

8:00-9:00 PM - time to relax, get settled, and put Peyton to bed. Sometimes I'll have team calls, webinars, and other trainings scheduled during this time. I try to adjust my schedule slightly around these types of activities. I'll do my workout earlier in the previous hour to allow time to prep.

9:00 PM-10:00 PM - I wrap up any loose ends, and wind down. I try to be in bed by 10 PM every night.

That's my day in a nutshell. It didn't always look like this, and sometimes it changes. But this is the schedule that works for me, and yes, I call it my "schedule". I keeps me from getting anxious over "what's next". If I break it into chunks of time, it feels much more manageable. I still provide flexbility for any last-minute changes in plans, but this is what works for me. 

Establishing routine is not only good for little ones, but it turns out it's good for me, too.

Before I started using at-home fitness programs, I swore I didn't have time. I joined a gym, drove 20 minutes to get there, spent an hour there, and then drove 20 minutes home. That's almost two hours! I was a new mom who was frazzled, stressed, exhausted, and anxious. I wanted to get in better shape, but carving out two hours of my day was intimidating. I recoiled. I wound up wasting over $500 on a gym membership I stopped using because I couldn't figure out how to work it into my daily routine.

It got to the point that I knew SOMETHING had to change, and it was up to me to find ways to make it work.

Now, that stress is gone. I work out from my living room and it takes an hour, tops, depending on what program I'm doing. During the holiday season, I keep my workouts short and sweet because life tends to be a bit crazier. I find what works with my life, find a way to fit it in, and schedule it into my day...every day. I have no excuses, because I know deep down that no excuse plausibly exists now.

My sacred hour every dayin the quiet of the morning and that hour I give myself at night to work out are things I do for ME. 

As women, we tend to be a bit selfless. Throughout the last year, I've learned how to make time for myself, and I know deep down I am a better wife and mother because of this.

Moral of the story: we can all make things work. It just takes time to find what works for us as individuals and doing just enough planning to incorporate it into your life as a permanent fixture. If you want it badly enough, you CAN and WILL find a way.

How do you overcome those little excuses that whisper in your head?

Monday, November 3, 2014

What's up, world? Let's do this.

Welcome to my first major series for this little space of mine. I am picking up steam as we head into the holiday season (it's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrr!). 

I was working through a T-25/PiYo hybrid schedule workout for the last couple weeks, but looking at the calendar last night I realized that as of this upcoming Thursday, we are officially three weeks away from Thanksgiving.

And honestly, what better way to fight holiday bloat and weight gain than to do another round of a program that only takes 21 days and promises results, as long as you make the commitment to do it right?

Enter 21 Day Fix. 
Cue the angels singing. 
This program is legit.

And Autumn is my homegirl.

I did my first round of 21 Day Fix back in June. I was doing it with two challengers of mine who saw amazing results, but I couldn't personally use the program as a means to lose weight, just maintain. My mom got married at the beginning of July, and I had strict instructions not to go down a dress size for my bridesmaid dress ;) So I followed the program, did the workouts, and used the meal plan in a way that would help me maintain my current weight. It worked, and I still managed to tone my arms and legs. The dress was a little looser than when I bought it, so I knew the next time I completed a round I would go all in and get those results. And I would keep going.

This round, this time, it. is. so. on.

I'm doing it up this time!

The fact is, the average American will gain 7-12 pounds in the few weeks between Halloween and New Years Eve. My goal is to complete two cycles of 21 Day Fix and LOSE 15-20 pounds between now and New Years Eve.

Why? Because I don't want to be a statistic of unhealthy habits. 

Take that, candy and cookies and cake.

And, to be honest, I've found myself slipping anyway. This time of the year is always insane, so it is too easy to backslide into old habits: getting those few extra minutes of sleep every morning, grabbing take-out for dinner because I don't feel like cooking and "there's not enough time", skipping my workout because "I'll double up tomorrow." 

And then doubling up never happens. 

I'm not perfect, nor will I ever claim to be, but I do understand that it's up to me to change the trend that I've found myself in. It's time to course-correct.

So I'm doing just that, starting on Thursday.

It will require a little bit of planning on my part, but that's why I'm here. I am going to show my process, from start to finish, and I'm putting myself all out there. Mostly for me, to keep myself accountable, and secondly to show others that it can be done. Anyone can do this. You just have to want it.

I'll be posting Monday - Wednesday - Friday for the next four weeks. I'll be sharing my progress, my thoughts, and tips that I find helpful as I work toward my goals.

I am hoping to come out of this more motivated than ever and ready to reach my goals, and I'm hoping to help inspire you, too.

Welcome to this crazy 21 day journey. 
Let's do this.