Friday, April 10, 2015

30 Before 30

I turned 29 on Tuesday. It was an interesting day. A lot of people have opinions on what it means to be thisclose to 30. A lot of women have opinions, at least.

I got the vibe from a few people that turning 29 was signaling the end of some glorious era of youth and vitality. That the end was near, and it's all downhill from here, baby.

30 is something to be afraid of.

Sisters, I disagree.

At 29, I am healthier than I have been for most of the last 10 years.

I eat better.
I exercise.
My spirit is stronger than it has been in a looooong time.
My previous self-destructive behavior and emotions have been kicked to the curb.

So honestly? When I turn 30 in a year, I will welcome it with open arms. But in the meantime, I intend to make this the best year ever so that I kick off my third decade of life with a huge bang.

In honor of being within a year of the big 3-0, I’ve put together my "30 Before 30" Bucket List. My hopes, dreams, and goals to accomplish in the next year. In one spot. 

I’ll be updating this page as I reach a goal or complete a task, and I promise I won’t cry like Rachel did on “Friends” when she turned 30.

  1. Update our kitchen.
  2. Become a certified nutrition coach.
  3. Go on a vacation to an island in the Carribbean.
  4. Become a Premiere Coach with Beachbody.
  5. Start and finish Body Beast.
  6. Start and finish P90X in 90 days.
  7. Spend one hour a day doing something for ME.
  8. Plan time with friends twice a month.
  9. Go on a date night with my husband twice a month.
  10. Train for and run a 5k.
  11. Read one book a week for one year.
  12. Become more involved with my church.
  13. Explore and strengthen my faith.
  14. Learn how to sail.
  15. Help 100 people in some way.
  16. Spend more time at the beach.
  17. Spend more time in my garden.
  18. Finally hit my pre-pregnancy weight.
  19. Rediscover my abs.
  20. Spend an entire week saying “yes.”
  21. Write at least three times a week.
  22. Build an amazing team of coaches who want to inspire and change lives.
  23. Try more exotic food.
  24. Make more with my Beachbody biz than I do at the day job.
  25. Visit another country.
  26. Wear a bikini.
  27. Spend more time outdoors.
  28. Put the phone down more often.
  29. Pray every day.
  30. Volunteer my time.

So, there you have it, friends. My big goals for the next year. Some of it overlaps with my 2015 goals, and some things build on those goals that I set in January. Ultimately I want to wake up on April 7, 2016 and KNOW that I have ensured an amazing 30th year to myself. 

Here's to year 29.

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