Tuesday, March 24, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude in April

Something exciting has been happening in my life lately.

A simple little act that literally takes five minutes, and incorporating it into my daily routine has profoundly made an impact.

What is this simple, tiny, act?


Every morning, I wake up, make my coffee, sit quietly, and meditate on all the reasons I have to be grateful. Less focus on the crappy, more focus on what's better, and an all-around happier self. It takes me only five minutes, but it truly sets a tone for my day.

My family.
My day job.
This job, the one where I get to help people set goals and change their lives.
My friends.
Our home.
My health.

Seriously, there is SO much to be thankful for, I couldn't even list it all here.

And then I had an idea.

What if I could spread this amazing feeling to others? Help others see the best parts of their lives?

So I put some pen to paper, and planned out this 30-day challenge to allow people to practice this amazingly simple act that can change so much. I call it a challenge, and while it might be for some, my goal is to bring realization that life is beautiful and while it might not SEEM like we have a lot to be grateful for, you can find gratitude daily.

It'll take place in a private Facebook group, but you are more than welcome to share publicly on your own social media feeds (maaaaybe there will even be a hashtag?!).

Each day for 30 days we'll focus on one word or concept. You can reflect on it, share it with the group, journal it, write about it, take a photo...however you choose to express your gratitude each day, do that.  Do what makes you happy, but always take a few minutes to reflect.

This is a group challenge, but it can be completely personal as well. If you don't feel comfortable sharing, I respect that, but my ultimate goal is to raise up the amazing things in our lives because those are the things that deserve our attention. I look forward to learning things about others, what makes them tick, what makes them happy--what brings JOY.

My joy might not be your joy, but that's the beauty of focusing on these things.

This 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge will start on April 1 and continue for the duration of the month.

If you are interested, please fill out this form and I will reach out to you via email.

I can't wait to find the joy in our lives together. This is going to be amazing.

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