Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August Goals & A Look Back at July

July was a month of strange dichotomy for me.

It was the month I was finally going to get organized and legitimately define my goals, but it was also a month of sunshine, snuggles, lazy days, and a planned vacation smack dab at the end of the month.

And just as with all things--I found that balance is where it's at.

August seems like a pretty stable month for me--no real giant commitments aside from the goals that I've set for myself. I am refusing to allow the momentum I've picked up fizzle out, so I am moving forward with all things. Progress, not perfection :)

But first, a look at July's goals. How did I do?:

Start AND finish 21 Day Fix
I am going to go with a check mark on this one. I didn't finish week 3 in its entirety as scheduled, but did repeat week 3 once I got back from vacation. And really, all that matters is that you don't completely fall off the wagon, amirite?

Get to the beach.
Big ol' fail on this one. My toes did not touch the sand once in July. But we did spend a lot of time outside, soaking up the sun. So that works for me.

Continue my daily study of the Book of Proverbs
Done. I actually just wrapped up a study of the Proverbs 31 woman. The entire Book of Proverbs was so eye-opening into the wisdom and knowledge that I can soak out of God's word each day. It provided me tidbits to meditate and pray on each day, and literally I read something each day that was like it was meant just for me. That first hour, every day, is now my favorite part of the day.

Lose three pounds.
Check. As a result of my last round of 21 Day Fix, I lost 3.7 pounds AND 4.5 inches. What is to be really  celebrated, though, are the boot campers who lost a total of 40 pounds and 39 inches. They were ROCKSTARS.

Have a successful Month 1 of the This Misfit Mama Book Club
Wellllllllll....not so much on this one.

Have you ever read a book that was I sailed through the first four chapters and then it was like pulling teeth each day to read a little more. Accordingly to the group, I am not the only one who felt this way. I am glad to report that I did indeed finish the book, am looking forward to having our first official "meet up", and will share a review here as well.

Help three people build self-esteem and learn to love their bodies via Boot Camp
This month was epic. FIVE PEOPLE. And they were all amazing. I really can't say it enough, but I am so blessed to get to do this!

Build monthly calendars to keep me on track
  • Free Challenge Groups - check
  • Boot Camps - check
  • Blog Editorial Calendar - check; and not only that, but I have the entire month of August's posts drafted and scheduled! I have never felt more organized.
Spend at least an hour a day, M-W-F, building this space.
I've been doing a lot of reading on blog-growing, brainstorming post ideas, and fun series to share here. Overall, I'd say this goal was met, but its one of those "boomerang tasks" (Happiness Project ladies holler if you hear me!) since learning and growing is never-ending, so this is staying on the goal list. I am trying to maintain consistency as best as I can here, and July really helped with that!

Start brainstorming ideas for a weekly newsletter.
The most brainstorming I've done here is that I've decided that it won't be a weekly newsletter, but somewhat more infrequently than that. That's all I've got for ya.

Register a domain.
Bumped to August :)

$100 a month in program sales.
Almost doubled. BOOM.

200 likes for This Misfit Mama on Facebook.
Goal not met. Onto next month!

Brainstorm what my "Dream Team" will look like.
Oh man, I've got so much in store for you this month. I feel like my heart is going to explode--in the best way possible.

Create a system to get those new potential coaches started right.
Still in its very early stages, but on my way.

And--here we go--onto August!

Personal Goals

Save $500.

I am admittedly not good at saving money. Time to change that.

Declutter one room.

One of my big goals in the next few months is to set up a dedicated, honest-to-goodness office space in our third bedroom. A place to sit and think, plan, hold team calls, chat with prospective Elite Boot Campers, create name it, I need a space for it. That bedroom is currently a "catch-all" room--mostly with my junk in it. Mostly crafting junk, which I have been selfishly hoarding for months, arguing with Denny "what if I neeeeeeeeeed it?!" The fact is, I have only used that stuff a handful of times in the last year, and it's so disorganized I usually can't find what I'm looking for and then I go out and buy a new one anyway. August's goal is the de-clutter, organize, part ways with things I don't use and/or truly need any more, and be honest enough with myself to carefully curate things I think I WILL need and store them nicely. This will give me the chance to start building the bones of a peaceful, inspiring space that isn't the kitchen table. Also: new Pinterest board. I love me some Pinterest boards, and I love pretty spaces.

Help 5 people build self-esteem and love their bodies via Boot Camp.

This month's Boot Camp is all about 'CIZE! Click here to learn about the 'CIZE Elite Boot Camp starting in August. I have some REALLY fun, exciting ideas for this group--think the usual support and accountability, but with some fun extras thrown in (and some freebies! Remember, first three people to sign up and purchase their challenge packs get a FREE copy of FIXATE!)

Lose 3 pounds

This will bring my total loss to 6 pounds since July. Onward and upward, baby!

Grow the This MisFIT Mama Club

I really have this insanely exciting vision of a community of strong, fierce women who are sharing, inspiring others, celebrating daily victories, feeling safe to share their vulnerabilities and struggles, but knowing that it's OKAY that today wasn't perfect. The This MisFIT Mama Club is my free, invite-only fitness and wellness group, and I'm looking forward to EXPANDING! I mean, I even had a dream that I had branded workout tanks made up. Who says that can't happen?!


Build the foundations of my team.

During the month of August, I am hoping to start finding my rockstar wellness warriors who embrace a lifestyle of health, wellness, love, integrity, and gusto who want to reach more people and help them live their best lives. More on that later this month :)

Start the newsletter.

I still haven't decided on frequency--but once I choose, I want to be able I can sustain it with quality content. I'm thinking I am going to hold off on this for the second half of the month.

Explore other types of social media platforms--and not be afraid to use them.

Periscope, this means you.


Just do it already, Brittany. Sheesh.

Cheers to August, lovelies!

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