Monday, August 3, 2015

Having More FUN - 'CIZE Dance Party is Coming This Month!

Would you believe me if I told you it was possible to get moving, get more exercise, and NOT hate every single second of it?

Something that will have you sweating AND smiling?

'That's odd,' you might be saying to yourself, 'Sweating AND smiling? Not possible.'

But it's true. Wanna know what will get that sweaty and smiley result?


I know--seriously?

Seriously. It is that fun.

So while I'm sitting here thinking about my weekly intentions--I thought a good one would be to have more FUN--why does everything have to be so gosh darn SERIOUS all the time?

I'm serious about my work.
I'm serious about my goals.
I'm serious about getting things taken care of around the house.

Why does my workout have to be so serious? If I'm doing it to help me feel good...should I feel good doing it?

And yes, when I lift heavy or doing some crazy Insanity-style cardio and get a good sweat on, I FEEL good. But am I smiling?

Hint: NOPE. I am definitely not.

When I tried the sneak peek that was available to me via Beachbody On Demand, I was excited to give it a whirl. I danced for about 10 years, loved every second, and now I love watching my little girl dance. But but but...why can't I rekindle that love I had for the art?

That is exactly what this program does for me.

Not only was I CRAZY sweaty during the entire workout (which is essentially a routine you work through, step-by-step, and build on until you get through the entire routine at tempo), I was smiling ear to ear during the entire thing. I was clapping, I was jumping, I might have even woo!-ed at one point because it. was. that. much. fun. I felt like I was 16 again.

My bad day?
A perfectly good sweat session?

So what do I envision for my August Boot Camp?

An epic dance party, that's what.

80s Day.
Work It Wednesdays.
Sweaty Selfies.

Working together, having FUN, and getting in shape. That's what I see for the August Boot Camp.

So, if you:
  • are a dancer (even the "dance like no one is looking WHEN no one is looking" dancer!)
  • are a Zumba lover
  • like dancing, but maybe aren't the most coordinated
  • want to have fun
  • want to get a great workout
  • want to relive some stress in a productive, uplifting way
  • don't feel like driving to the gym every day to get a quality workout
  • want support and accountability in a close group of people working toward the same goals and having FUN while doing it
I want to talk to YOU about being in the August Boot Camp.

I only have a few rules you have to promise you'll follow:

I promise to:

Nourish my body properly.
Get my sweat on every day.
Check in with my group every day.
Allow myself patience and kindness.
Love myself.
Be a beacon of support and encouragement to others.
Celebrate victories--big AND small.
Focus on progress--not perfection

This isn't just a four-week program and then BOOM you're done. If you choose my Boot Camp, you are committing to having success and I am committed to seeing that success through as your partner for LIFE. I know firsthand that making these changes doesn't happen overnight, but taking action is the very first step, followed by perseverance, patience, and drive. With a community of support and me as your coach behind you--I will not let you fail.

As your coach, I am your mentor, friend, and fellow wellness warrior. You'll join a close community of women who will lift you up and support you--because they're choosing to take the same leap of faith in themselves that you chose to take. Positive life change starts one step at a time. I am here to guide you through the steps, overcome obstacles, build your sense of confidence, fight that "stuck" feeling", and celebrate the entire process.

Let's commit TOGETHER to having some fun this month!

Fill in the form below and I will reach out to you with next steps...congratulations on making this commitment!

PS: First THREE people that sign up with a Challenge Pack get a copy of the NEW cookbook "Fixate - 101 Personal Recipes" by Autumn Calabrese!

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