Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thoughts on Insanity Max: 30 - Week 1 & Some Real Talk

Here I am halfway through week two. My body is sore. I can't walk up the stairs after I'm done my workouts. I am kicking myself for slacking off the last few weeks because this is CRAZY.

But I mean, anything in the Insanity series of workouts has to be crazy to live up to the reputation, right?!

So far I haven't made it past the first seven minutes of any workout without maxing out, BUT by the end of the week I felt strong enough to do some of the plyometric moves that I shied away from early on.

I am also pushing myself to beat my time from the last time I did each workout. On Tuesday night I beat last week's Tabata Power max out time by 15 seconds. Sure, to some it might not seem like a HUGE deal, but progress is progress, even if it is measured in seconds.

But one thing that has been slacking is my nutrition. I'll admit it.

Insanity Max: 30 follows a simple meal plan similar to 21 Day Fix, and it should only be easier for me because I already have my containers from 21 Day Fix. But my downfall has been my failure to plan. I haven't sat down and physically planned out my meals for the week, which is strange because I love meal planning. It helps ground me for the week. But I've also found myself sneaking a piece of candy here, eating mindlessly because I'm bored there, etc. I don't know what is up with that, but it sure doesn't set me up for any sort of success with that going on.

To be absolutely honest, I'm thinking about restarting from Week 1 on Monday with my January Challenge Group. I didn't give myself a fair shot the first two weeks because my meal planning was so shoddy, so it's time to pick myself up and make darn sure I start off the RIGHT way. I'll still finish this week's schedule, but next week I'll be back at square one with my challengers.

Honesty is my policy here. I won't share amazing stories about what these programs can do if I am not following the plan right. I want those crazy results so I know I have to discipline myself to work for them. No more cheats, no more letting it slide. Purposeful planning from here on out.

I'm human--I goofed--time to set it right.

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