Monday, July 6, 2015

Every. One. Matters. The MisFIT Mama Club & This Week's Intention

This year, Team Beachbody's motto is Every One Matters.

I've been spending some time ruminating on that, wondering how I can model that here in this community I dream of building.

And then I was reminded of The Starfish Story, which you might have seen me post on Facebook a couple weeks ago.

And really, if I could create change, why not start small? Why not take those baby steps?

I still do have every intention of running my Elite Boot Camps and introducing others to programs that could very well change their lives, but why not create something that is literally for every. body?

Every. One.


And now, I am pleased to offer the new ongoing This MIsFIT Mama Club. This is a free, private, invite-only group for those of you working toward your own health goals, who want to be surrounded in love and support. Whether you are a runner, a yogi, a lifter, a Crossfitter, following a Beachbody program, just finished a Boot Camp with me, eat clean, paleo, or just don't even know where to start--this is a safe space where it is OKAY to be vulnerable, OKAY to admit you weren't perfect today, OKAY to say that you got through half of your workout before your child/husband/fiance/boyfriend/dog needed your attention NOW, and that tomorrow will be BETTER.

This will be a place to check in on a down day and ask "Someone tell me I can do this!" and you'll get support from like-minded ladies telling that yes, you really can.

My dream is to make this a community of women who are growing in self-confidence and learning to love their bodies through fitness, and supporting each other in the process.

What will you find in The This MisFIT Mama Club?

  • Support
  • Encouragement
  • Motivation
  • Positivity
  • Advice & Tips
  • Recipes
  • Weekly progress check-ins
  • New product or program announcements
  • All Free Fitness Challenges will take place in this group (up to you to participate!), and you'll have first-dibs on spots in my Elite Boot Camps
  • The opportunity to try a free 30-day trial to Beachbody On Demand, an online streaming service that gives you access to over $1k in state-of-the-art at-home fitness programs, along with accompanying guides, schedules, and nutrition plans for each workout. Think Netflix for fitness.
To be absolutely honest, I'm looking forward to learning from and being inspired by YOU, too!

What's the difference between The This MisFIT Mama Club and Elite Boot Camps?

The This MisFIT Mama Club will be group open to anyone, at any time. All free challenges will take place in this group, as well as general health & wellness chit chat. This group is what you make of it. You are it's greatest resource as you will be supporting and encouraging other members in their goals.

Elite Boot Camps are for people who are ready to take it to the next level and commit to a program and at least 30 days of Shakeology. In return for their investment, I invest one-on-one time in a closed, private Facebook group with targeted discussion, make myself available via email and phone. These groups are generally smaller, and a much more intimate experience.

What do you need to do to join? 

Simply fill out a request for a free account making me your Coach. Once you're done that step, I will send you an email within 24-48 hours with the link to the private group on Facebook. If I am already your Coach, email me so I can verify and send you the link to the group.

I think this will be a seriously amazing addition to the services I already offer. This is a great way to get your feet wet before jumping all in with Elite Boot Camps. The decision is up to you, and I sincerely hope you'll join in the adventure. 

This week's intention? 


I want to reach more people from a servant's heart and cause true, positive change. This week, my focus, meditation, and prayer will be on how to inspire change in others and leave my own agenda behind.

To find my starfish and to guide them to the creation of the best version of life--now, that's a goal.

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