Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Goals: Growth

I don't think it's any secret that accountability is something that everyone struggles with at times.

I know I sure do. 

Lofty goals, tasks, to-dos...all kinds of stuff to get you overwhelmed, mentally spent, and then (if you're me) you freeze. You drop everything. Because it's easier to not have to worry about anything instead of worrying about everything.

This is my greatest battle. Balancing what I want to do with what needs to get done to make it happen. If it gets to be too much, I shut down.

When I wrote this post on being comfortable getting uncomfortable, I mentioned that my brain dump of goals and ideas had my mind completely blown. To counteract the creeping sense of overwhelm I could feel coming on, I decided to start writing monthly goals out in order to keep the bigger picture to scale and avoid the inevitable "this is bigger than me" shut down.

I mean, God put this plan in my heart...I need to work my tail off to see it through.

In the interest of keeping myself accountable with all these big, crazy, scary ideas I have, I decided to share these goals monthly. At the end of the month, I can then take a look back, recap, track my progress, and decide if my goals need to be revised for the following month. The entire goal is to move forward. I am not setting a particular pace with everything, but forward motion is the entire premise.

With that said, this month's goal theme is growth. Since I decided to rebrand, try new things, and revive my health & fitness biz, it is time to grow some ideas and concepts, as well as grow personally.

Personal Goals:

Start AND finish 21 Day Fix. 

This one should be easy peasy because, duh, it's only 21 days, and I've got a rocking group put together for the month made up of fierce ladies who are giving it their all. But now that I'm recommitted to building the healthiest me yet, this program will definitely push me. However, it should also be a great foundation and launching point to keep progressing each month.

Get to the beach.

Just once, no stress or pressure for anything more. To be honest, the beach is where I find the most peace and closeness with God...even when we're covered in sand, the tourists have sat their chairs a little too close for comfort, and the seagulls are lurking. I love having my feet in the sand, watching my little girl play in the waves, and just take the time to relax and enjoy the beauty and vastness of the ocean.

Continue my study of Proverbs every day.

I have been doing a chapter a day of Proverbs. Reading, reflecting, and praying. I am going to continue this through the rest of this month.

Lose three pounds.

Do you know what I like about summer? Food. Do you know what's really hard for me in the summer? Working out. Can you guess what has happened since the weather got warmer? I gained some weight back. Boo. Time to get back on the horse and get it done. I set a three pound loss goal each month for the rest of the year. If I meet that goal, I will have lost 18 pounds. That will get me back to my lowest weight since starting my journey, plus a few extra pounds lost. Breaking it down even more, that's only 3/4 of a pound a week.

Have a successful Month 1 of the This Misfit Mama Book Club.

Today we start our read of "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. I am really looking forward to getting to know the ladies who signed up, read some good books together, share our thoughts, learn applicable concepts, and grow! It's not too late to sign up; click the link above to sign up and join us!

Help three people build self-esteem and learn to love their bodies via Boot Camp.

Okay, maybe this crosses into the business category, but my underlying desire and mission here is to help women become the best version of themselves, body and mind. If I can be the positive catalyst for change and personal growth, then my job is complete.

Business/Blog Goals:

Build monthly calendars to keep me on track and help with planning and promotion:

  • Free Challenge Groups.
  • Boot Camps (this is technically already done, just need to add some finishing touches!)
  • Blog editorial calendar through the end of September.

Spend at least an hour a day, M-W-F, building this space.

I'm a wife, a mom, and balancing my full-time job and my small business. I want to learn how to build this community here in a way that continues to promote balance, but also see tangible growth. This will include research, writing, idea and brand development, and writing a business plan draft.

Start brainstorming ideas for a weekly newsletter.

I already know my newsletter will include posts from my page, but I also think it would be fun to include other newsletter-exclusive tidbits. What those tidbits are remains to be seen, but it's something to work on this month.

Register the domain already.

This Misfit Mama is sticking. I've already launched The Book Club and The This MisFIT Mama Club is coming very soon (announcement Monday!) I might as well own it already, right?

$100 a month in program sales.

I lost my hustle in April, May, and most of June. Time to start building a consistently steadier income. I feel like $100 is a good place to start.

200 likes on the This Misfit Mama Facebook page.

I'm thisclose to 100, but I want to begin building up my social media presence to reach more women who are in need of community and support.

Brainstorm what my "Dream Team" will look like.

One of my August goals is to begin building a team of strong women who want to inspire and encourage others to make significant life changes in their health. But first, I think it would make sense to brainstorm and dream about what my team would look like. Who are they? What qualities do they embrace? What are their goals? What will our team culture embody? This will be the entire foundation of Team MisFIT Mama. Coming August 2015!

Create a system to get those new Coaches started right.

Once I know what my team is going to look like, it's time to start developing systems to make sure they get started right and see success. My mentors have developed a strong system of support, so I'm looking forward to picking their brains so I am prepared to provide the same support once I find my wellness warriors. :)

And there you have it.

My July goals.

Not as scary when it's broken down. Completely manageable, less fear-inspiring, and just challenging enough to keep me uncomfortable. Written down, published, and shared. All that's left is up to me to see it through.

Cheers to an excellent month!

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