Monday, March 7, 2016

March Goals {Self-Care}

Helloooooo, March!

I haven't done a goal post in, oh, months and months now. The truth is this: I have been totally unmotivated and directionless. But I mean, given that my life has undergone a serious upheaval I think it's acceptable to allow myself a little bit of grace here.

I mentioned here that I was going to be focusing a lot on healing, so this month my goals are all about self-care.

Sometimes self-care gets a big eye roll from people. What does self-care even mean, anyway? Personal development? Soaking in a big tub with bubbles and salts and a big ol' glass of wine? Bath tubs and wine are not my jam, honestly. Wine gives me a headache and I can't bring myself to sit in a tub of water. Peyton can, though, and all the more power to her (sit in a tub full of water, I mean, not drink wine!).

Self-care for me this month is all about reconnecting with myself and finding the joy in my days. Figuring out what makes me tick--what brings me happiness. Overall goal? Coming out on the other side of March (just before my 30th birthday, eeeeek!) with a little more self-assurance, enthusiasm, and pep in my step.

Goal #1:

Run 3x/week and at least 25 miles during the month of March. I shared in my last Friday Coffee Date that I have taken up running, with a goal to be able to run a 5K. Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays are going to be my run days. I am going into Week 3 of C25K this week, so following that schedule should help me move in the right direction. Running is getting easier, and while it still isn't fun it is really cathartic for me. It's pretty hard to focus on all the yuck going on when I'm focusing on breathing patterns, my music, and not falling on my face.

Goal #2:

Read my Bible every day. My church has provided me an awesome study plan and has challenged the congregation as a whole to spend time in the Word each day--not just skimming through it, but taking our time, digging in, and journaling our experience in what the Scripture is telling us. This has been an amazing way to build a relationship with God and find practicable ways to apply His Word into my life. You can read more about SOAP journaling here.

Goal #3:

Do one thing for me each week. Maybe it'll be giving myself a manicure. Maybe it'll be a new book. Maybe it'll be a nap on a Sunday afternoon. Either way, I need to find time to do things for me so that the inevitable burn out doesn't come knocking on my door. I know that all too well, and now is definitely the time to avoid burn out as best I can.

Goal #4: 

Do one FUN thing with Peyton a week. That sounds so lame, doesn't it? Of course I should be having fun with my daughter. Some honesty here: I have not been all that fun. Our unofficial custody plan right now is that I have Peyton on weeknights and one weekend a month and she goes with her father every other weekend. And guess what? That sucks. I am Ms. Rules, you-have-to-go-to-bed-now-and-no-you-can't-have-cookies-for-breakfast-and-we-need-to-practice-your-memory-verse-and-Mommy-is-making-dinner-I'll-play-in-five-minutes-please-stop-whining (and then I don't play). It is such a drag. So, one night a week we are going to do something fun. Riding our bikes? Maybe. Playing at the park? Possibly. Craft night and snuggles? The sky is the limit (not really, because there is still school tomorrow), but the whole point is I need to be present with my daughter in a way that connects us instead of me giving orders and enforcing rules all. the. time. That kind of mom is important, but not really very fun.

Goal #5:

Blog newsletter. Email list. Whatever. It's happening by the end of the month, and that's that.

OK, I snuck in a blog-related goal too. But did you notice that This Misfit Mama finally has her own domain?! That's right--last week I finally bit the bullet and snagged the domain, so you can now find me at instead of (that one still works and will redirect but I think the new one is sooooo much better, agreed?). I'm a real blog now, friends!

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