Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Book Club is Back!

Remember that time I started a book club and it lasted a whole whopping two months?

I sure do.

Right around the end of November is when everything kind of took a nose-dive and to be completely transparent--eeeeeeverything that had something to do with this space and basically everything that was not directly related to me surviving Christmas and the new year was absolutely abandoned. I'll own it. I dropped the ball.

And I am sorry. Because I love thriving communities and that book club had some potential, friends.

So, now that we are looking into April and I am feeling a bit more steady, I have to listen to the fire in my belly to bring it back already and I am so so so giddy excited to re-launch the This Misfit Mama Book Club!

What's the book club all about?

It was always my dream to create a safe space for women of all walks of life to join up in person and online in fellowship (eeeehhhh, sisterhood?), being comfortable with vulnerability, sharing perspective, and generally just having fun.

As women, we are called to so much. We take on so much. We are life's ordinary rockstars. And it's exhausting.

The book club popped into my head one day partly out of my own selfish desire to simultaneously have a little bit of community and "me time" in my life, and partly because I knew that other women needed it too.

And what better way to do it than to connect over books?

I've hand-picked seven books we'll read over the next seven months, starting in May. Once a month we'll meet up in-person (if you are local to Atlantic County, NJ) and virtually via Google Hangout, as well as checking in throughout the month in a closed Facebook group where we can share our thoughts as we read together.

The majority of the books will be new releases, as in we will be reading them just weeks after they are released.

I am excited for May's read: "Looking for Lovely: Collecting Moments That Matter" by Annie F. Downs. From the book's Amazon page:

"I want you to take every step of your life with excitement for where you are headed. And I want you to feel beautiful and confident as you do."

But how? When the enemy whispers lies that we are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or are you too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much or not enough? What if you don't have what it takes to be who you really want to be?"

In Looking for LovelyAnnie F. Downs shares personal stories, biblical truth, and examples of how others have courageously walked the path God paved for their lives by remembering all God had done, loving what was right in front of them, and seeing God in the everyday—whether that be nature, friends, or the face they see in the mirror.

Intensely personal, yet incredibly powerful, Looking for Lovely will spark transformative conversations and life changing patterns. No matter who you are and what path God has you on, we all need to remember the lovely, fight to finish, and find beautiful in our every day!

Looking for Lovely won't be released for a few more days, but you can preorder it here so you have it by the beginning of May!

Our in-person meet-up and discussion is scheduled for Friday, May 27, 2016 (time & location TBA and will be shared in the Facebook group) and our Google Hangout is scheduled for Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 7:30 PM Eastern.

Upcoming Titles for 2016:

June: "Wild and Free: A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough" by Hayley Morgan and Jess Connolly

July:  "5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit" by Nicki Koziarz

August: "Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World" by Bob Goff

September: "Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living" by Shauna Niequist

October: "Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely" by Lysa TerKeurst

November: "The Broken Way: A Daring Path into the Abundant Life" by Ann Voskamp

December: break for the holidays; resume January 2017

You do not need to participate every month; by all means, take a look at the titles listed above and commit to the ones that speak to you. You can also join in at any time!

To sign up, please fill out the form below and I will email you the link to the Book Club's private Facebook page.

I am so excited to re-launch this community and dig in with you!

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